him Outstandingly written, Unatoned follows Auror Harry Potter who crosses paths with the Greengrass family while investigating a murder. Being the Main Character is Exhausting (Banking Im Romilda Vane, in case you never caught my name. Ron and Hermione had given up trying to make him stop moving and instead were sitting nearby in comforting silence. We cannot let him know that we are onto him until weve already gotten him secure., I know the spell to change him out of his animagus form and to bind him in human form, McGonagall said, face grim. Harry nodded. Dobby sniggered, and snapped his fingers. Hims always been great to Dobby, even when Dobby was bad House-elf.. Far more House-elves than had ever been seen at Hogwarts were dancing with each other, while others were drinking Butterbeer. Tori gave a slight cheer at her nickname being used. And see who is wearing these badges.. my We are going to get to the bottom of this. Astoria, sitting on his other side was looking only at Harry. The Politicians Wife holds a special place in my heart as one of the first Wizarding World fics I read in which the main characters were no longer teenagers. d-deserve A twist on the classic Soul Bond tale. Okay, so not really (no vampires in this one), but if you want to read a Draco-Slash-Harry fanfic set in an AU Seventh Year in which two boys accidentally end up married after arguing in a doorway, youll want to read. By Sarah1281 by its_skye_sittler. Then yeah, tell em to knock themselves out, Harry yawned, as he turned over and went back to sleep. Youre going to work yourself into a full panic, Ron had, at some point, moved to stand near Harry and was now reaching out to him uncertainly. Bye, Astoria, they said in unison, and Astoria walked out. Sadly, shes accurate, Hermione said with a wry smile. Plus, he rather liked Remus so far and he wanted the man to have his lover back. So Dumbledore could have called for Sirius to have a trial? "Pleasetell me." Harry said, looking worried. The sworn protector of his brother. Well, he Also available as: Epub | lit | mobi | pdf | txt. (And share your favorite, We Go Way Back: 25 of the Best Historical Fiction Books of the Past 10 Years, The Bestselling Books of the Week, According to All the Lists, New Releases Tuesday: The Best Books Out This Week, 11 of the Best Shnen Manga to Read in 2023. She had almost worn one herself. No problem, Ron gave him a quick smile, then gently pulled Harry to a desk near Hermione. and I can speak to snakes and-and it's just, its what makes the most sense, doesn't it? At Gryffindor, wed average a teacher poking her head into the common room once a month. He smiled. Yes, he thought, my day could get worse.. Romilda wasnt quite sure what the smile meant. His guilt in not taking down the powerful enemies years before was absolute. Dobby made a wave with his right hand and then his eyes bulged, and he actually grew an inch fortunately his tea-towel clothing was still long enough to cover him. If you want to read something that doesnt. Who knows how long you might have to wait for any kind of resolution, however sad it will be. She scribbled on the parchment for a few seconds, and then passed it to Hermione. He almost choked on it, then swallowed reflexively. is better than S.P.E.W.. Harry and Co, Spy's Ao3 Archive, Harry Potter, Favorite works of mandarijntje, S5+S Stats: Published: 2022-07-31 Updated: 2023-02-27 Words: 104886 Chapters: 26/? Offering. Harry and Ron joined in, the three of them grinning before diving into their books. Harry learns a lot about Hermione when he's asked to make a selection from her collection of videotapes and DVDs. If youre good, well give you a few shiny knuts for your time.. Sir has been failing at his job, Filius said sadly. Cedric. Im sure there are load of people whod be happy to have you stay with them. The first of a trilogy of stories on the truly Dynamic Duo: James Bond and Harry Potter. We were able to locate him, Remus said, gesturing to the dog by his side that Harry had briefly forgotten about. Romilda nine, Vicky zero, she chuckled to herself. Pick something and start reading. A young boy in a dark cupboard is in great pain. He was lying on the ground, a sea of concerned faces looming over him. There was a huge cheer from the gathered House-elves. Shed known that they were a bad thing, but hadnt dealt with it. A minute later, he left, and the noise picked up again. She shook her head in displeasure and walked to her dorm. You are. 10. I dont--I cant do the words to explain it right now.. Thats it, isnt it? Right, of course, thank you. 18. 7. Harry and Hermione are forced to face some naked truths when they are asked to pose for a magical portrait. Thank you all for your responses to the last chapter, I'm so glad you liked it! Once hes transformed, we can bind him and then call for Aurors. Harry thought to himself, gut sinking. , but still, it was his While everyone was digging into, stories, and then, between 2008 and 2010, Anything But Canon, fics. Dude. That could ruin their plans, so she looked around, hiding behind a corner. I just want to be normal, he said softly. Give me the charm, Harry. On the breath of my forebears, on the dreams of my children yet to be, on the punishment of pain too much to bear, I swear that I have not led you false.. Despite everything, she had listened to Severus vicious words, and allowed herself to believe the worst of Potter. Thank you for signing up! 21. His feelings didnt matter right now, they had things to do. Hermione nodded, satisfied. The owl bristled a bit, but let him stroke her soft, white feathers. Albus almost smiled at the expressions on the three in front of him, and would have, if he didnt feel such overwhelming guilt himself. Rated: K - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters . Harry Potter sir is great and powerful.. A minute later, he left, and the noise picked up again. No one here is judging you, we just want to help you, we want to be friends, to have fun, to study, to play games, and to make sure that we can do that next year, and the year after, and the year after.. more." Gen. Harry has reached a very bitter thirty. exceeds their expectations. A Soul Bond. Tori?, Ive found out what Malfoy is planning, she said, already rolling her eyes. An Epilogue-compliant story that goes awry by creating an Alternate Past. Comments: 658 Kudos: 2697 Bookmarks: 798 Hits: 76021. When you ask anyone whos been in fandom recently about Dramione, even if they dont read it, they probably know about Isolation by Bex-Chan. Dumbledore, Harry sighed, spinning the book he was reading and pointing to the section describing the Chief Warlock. I, Harry James Potter, hereby renounce my claim to Gryffindor House, on the grounds that the Head of House condones bullying and that the students are cowards. The Gryffindor colours vanished from his robes. He hoped that the man was innocent, the more backup plans he had in place, the better. Work Search: it's (y/n) greyheart's second year at her dream school, Hogwarts a snucius story (Snape and Lucius) If you don't mind incest its a soul bond between Harry/His Twin sister/Gabrielle. And about the House issue., Oh, you mean our friends? Hermione asked sweetly. I hope you all are doing well, getting enough rest, and taking care of yourselves. Good, so hes there. Not unless you were using a blood quill thats been cursed. Forget it. Wizarding Law is Ridiculous Twenty-four hours ago, hed been delighted that he could vent some of his hatred of James Potter at his son. So, House-elves are being free, he said. Lets do this!. So its, No, that makes sense. I-do you think he left Sirius in there on purpose? Fred and George are children of Hermes and adopted by the Weasleys, and Nico is a wizard juggling Hogwarts and the Camps. Theyve had nothing but bad luck since then. and productive than it might have otherwise been. So, of course, would be the reason he left Sirius in Azkaban. wrong Harry opened his eyes. Professor Dumbledore?. I, Romilda Rowena Vane, hereby renounce any to Gryffindor House, on the grounds that Gryffindor no longer stands for the values that I believe in., I, Hermione Jean Granger, hereby renounce any to Gryffindor House, because it is not a place that I can legitimately call home.. My apologies, Chief Warlock., Quite alright, it has been a tiring day, Albus said, once more falling in to the role he knew infuriated his peers most. Dont you dare try and run, Harry James Potter, Hermione said firmly. That, in itself, was nothing new; shed been crushing on him for months, what with his wild untameable hair and those gorgeous eyes with the reputation for not always doing the right thing. me House-elves, of all creatures! He didnt even notice as House-elves joined him, quietly standing behind Dobby. Dobby, can I ask you to do me a really nasty favour?, Can you check Rons stuff for rat hair?. Before he could get too deep into investigating the map--and beginning to wonder how his father and friends had made it work and whether or not he could replicate it in order to give a new copy to Fred and George as a thank you--Ron and Hermione were dragging him off to the hospital wing under claims that he needed to take care of himself first, honestly Harry. We wouldnt want Malfoy coming at you.. Sorry, I didnt mean to insult your sister., Heh, Astoria giggled. , this story jumpsmore thantwenty years after Hogwarts, to a future in which Draco Malfoy and Hermione Weasley (though he refuses to call her anything but Granger) work for the Ministry of Magic. Such as the Minister of Magic, the Head of the DMLE, and the Head Healer (a person who ran the committee that set Healing Standards in Wizarding Britain). The days passed slowly since Harry came home from trial and reported that Albus Dumbledore had been found guilty of everything and sentenced to the rest of his life in Azkaban prison and shackled with the cuffs that blocked magical power. (. I am not able to explain it properly but basically Harry and his Twin latched onto each other to survive the abuse thrown at them by the dursleys and later the school since they didn't match what the students perceived the potter kids would be, they wanred out going, Gryffindor heroes, instead they got quiet, withdrawn and loyal to each other Hufflepuffs. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. And, if these arent doing it for you, youve got a very deep rabbit hole to dive into. He felt his magic bubbling under his skin and knew that things around the room were beginning to shake. She, like the rest of her Puffs, had felt like Harry had stolen some of their thunder. 13. 2. Albus paused, and stared at Fudge. Cedric entered and sat opposite her. She knew Astoria would have memorised each and every student who was wearing them. Dobby peered in the pocket and then handed Harry a few hairs. The one who walks around like shes got something unpleasant stuck up her posterior. Harry winced. A fluffy smutty travelogue story set in South India. Dobby is whole! The House-elf jumped up and down in joy, before hugging Harry hard. So yeah, you were called a freak. Come in, she called, after a knock on her door. Better than any of his seventh years!, Romilda felt herself blushing. Seriously. She doesnt talk much. It hadnt taken much to persuade the I.C.W. Or I shall have you run off my land!, And I shall use my ancient Gypsy powers to curse you into marrying a smelly blonde ponce, and have exceptionally painful childbirths which will addle your brain to name every child something ridiculous!, Yes, and every night you shall have to sleep with his pure-blooded lack of bathing!, I give, I give, Astoria laughed, holding her hands up. 'Me to lad, me to' The crunch seemed extra loud, as he took a bite. Cully looked around. The Bonds That Tie. Or not try at all? How many of you tried to enter and failed? He truly did not want to know if even more people were involved in inter-house bullying. Trust me, you've never seen a soul-bond fic like this, Site: fanfiction.net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 23 | Words: 140,465 | Reviews: 1,143 | Favs: 1,400 | Follows: 1,883 | Updated: 5/12/2016 | Published: 11/3/2013 | id: 9818387 | Language: English | Genre: Romance/Humor | Characters: | Download: EPUB or MOBI. . She was about to start a defence of Harry, when glanced across at the Slytherin table. Whats better than an Epilogue-compliant story that goes awry? Wizards are thinking House-elves are being stupids, he stated, to some irritated grumblings from the gathered House-elves. blaster instead of a light saber, and is he smart enough to figure out why? While his mind still bounced around and he wasnt able to focus too much on the book in front of him, he was used to that, so he was able to pick through and take notes as needed, understanding a fair amount of the information in front of him. I would hope so, Hermione retorted, jokingly sticking her nose in the air before breaking into laughter. An unusual power will allow him to heal himself, help others, and grow strong in a world of magic. In which Harry learns theres a murderer after h ), and ushered off to go eat dinner. After Fred and George had shown Harry the map and walked him through how it worked and how to use it, before slipping off mysterious with unnerving grins on their face, Harry had sat and stared at the map for a long time, eyes desperately reading over it as he tried to find a sign of his father on its crinkled paper. Not show off, not scare away friends., I wont be jealous, Harry, Hermione stated. Remember what I always say to you?. It's me, Harry." Harry said calmly. While Ron works on his bawdy limericks, Harry takes a risk by penning something a bit more angsty, Epic-length, but Not Necessarily Epic-quality. Dobby shook his head shyly. If they had just kept their distance, they would have been safe, they would have been okay. Romilda got to her feet, and frowned as Granger moved out as well. Its not difficult, its just unpleasant.. Her face was a little red from exertion. Is room of many things. This is Aaron Taylor-Johnson from Nowhere Boy. He wasnt hanging around for the I.C.W. Dobby appears in a white armor with yellow markings and Harry tells him to execute order 66. Instead Harry awakens a power that spans time and space and starts a war between the worlds. Im sorry, I didnt mean--, Hey, hey, its okay. Neither of them touched him, nor got too close, both well aware of how jumpy he could be. Hey, Romi, Astoria panted. What I find really curious, is that your head of house hasnt even tried to defend you, she said to Harry. Ship: H/Hr (sort ofshades of H/Hr/many, with lots of Carpe Diem guilt-free fun). Finally, after all of that, he had gotten his friend to let him look over the map yet again, with the two of them looking over his shoulder as he did so. Maybe once he got to know Harry he wouldnt want him anymore. Once upon a time, there was a trilogy of, On fanfiction.net alone, there are six hundred, Of course, theres even more fun stuff. #2 on sexytimes 13/6/20 - I think Romilda is right. Sure, youre stuck in a stupid tournament, sure, you dont want to be here, and sure someones trying to kill you, but hidings hardly going to solve the problem, is it?, Romi, Astoria sighed, flying at a beast is an acceptable way of dealing with a situation. The closer the family tie, the less blood youd need. All right! Romilda yelled, jumping to her feet. NotDead! Romilda walked around the table and hugged her friend. Rated M.] Okay, so this isn't the film actor for James Potter. Has male and female sections, and small common room, he added. After a bit of hopping through fanfiction for the Marvel Cinematic Universe and James Bond (00Q 4 Lyfe! Wizards and Demigods react. He closed his eyes. In the Hogwarts kitchen, there was something of a party going on. The House-elf that assisted him the most appeared. Hermione gave the same greeting to Astoria. But what? Romilda asked directly. Sir is always being nice, she said, before popping away, she returned a second later with a large roast beef sandwich, leaving it on his table. 11. As a librarian, I am all about this little story. How can it be sweet when one of the main characters is a bigoted asshole? Dumbledore seems to be invested in Has a lot of Drarry I love AO3 tags!) Hermione dived forward and hugged Harry hard. Later, Tori, Romilda said, giving her best friend a quick hug, before hurrying up to Gryffindor tower. Hermione? Harry asked, looking at the bushy-haired witch. Harry looked into Hermione's eyes. fanfiction later in my life. When he had finished, he looked at the others. It explores the problems that might arise if two preteens were stuck sharing each other's thoughts and had to stay close to remain well. Theres something with Animals want to live , Harry. Hes six., Tori, I told off the Gryffindor house last night. Here, you can start with this one, she handed him a tome titled, The Unofficial Guide to the Wizarding Ministry, . 8. Anyway, can you let Harry and Hermione know?. I could summon a broom!, Yawn, Romilda said loudly. Started before the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, this story jumpsmore thantwenty years after Hogwarts, to a future in which Draco Malfoy and Hermione Weasley (though he refuses to call her anything but Granger) work for the Ministry of Magic. Seekers Of Love. If they did, then they could take up that old line and gain a seat in that method. He still might have gotten away with it, if it wasnt for those meddling kids. A very raunchy and very long bit of cracky fluff that earns its "Adult-Only" rating. That is being for later. Why had she not interfered with the badges? 446 Stories. Soulmates. We all know the story of Harry Potter- how he met the Weasleys at Kings Cross, how they showed him how to get . Not once did she look at things from Harrys perspective. Every time he tried to pack something that wasnt his, such as ingredients purchased with his department budget, they were removed from his case. You already are! Ron also put up a silencing charm, allowing him to have the text read to him, and to use the dictaquill to take notes, without having to worry about other noise distracting him, or his own notes sidetracking the others. OOtP Mid Year. Nsfw 18+ Dobby is free House-elf, Dobby replied. Romilda got to her feet, and frowned as Granger moved out as well. A bull in a china shop is an analogy, not a guide line, Romilda recited with some irritation. That second one, he said, it forces him to streak in public?, Harry slowly started to smirk. Astoria nodded. 3. After the End is another Old School fanfiction, completed in 2003. That can only mean trouble Im sure they will be delighted with the part where you, Lucius, and you, Delores, demanded that we use the Class One restricted item, the one powered by a blood sacrifice, on innocent school children. McGonagall opened her mouth to say something, but Remus cut her off. A mysterious little boy named Harry moves in next door to Draco Malfoy, and he's determined to make him his friend and learn all of his secrets. Jinky, Filius called hopefully. I was ten when that happened to me. Sort by: Hot. Bitch, Vicky snarled, before turning and storming off, leaving her alone. Just a classic reaction book, except for one difference. Somehow they muddle through the ordeal, and create "The Co-Ed Naked Dueling Club (TM)" along the way. They entered, and Malfoy immediately shouted, Oi, Potter, seen these? He showed off the badge proudly. I He blinked again and the faces came into complete focus. my fault Once Ron has him out of the common room, we can be there waiting to stun him. There were more voices outside of the door now, all of a sudden, and a flurry of movement that he couldnt make out. Astoria calmly helped herself to some of the lovely food near the three former Gryffindors. Somehow they muddle through the ordeal, and create "The Co-Ed Naked Dueling Club (TM)" along the way. It minimises risk., Yeah, but its so boring it sucks! The DOM is interested in the bonded. X-Men is owned by Stan Lee, Marvel Entertainment, and 20th Century Fox. The excitable House-elf appeared instantly. Why?, Because hes betrayed Harry, as completely and utterly as it is possible to do so, we can use that that betrayal to give him such a cursing!, Well, personally, Id like to use the one where every time he goes to the toilet, it feels like someone is ripping his balls off with a nail-spiked glove. They, in turn, join forces with Hermione to make certain that his "Molly Summer" is far more enjoyable fathers map Hed drop Albus an owl as soon as he had somewhere safe to stay. If that sounds like your thing, have at it. very long bit of cracky fluff that earns its "Adult-Only" rating. Harry did inform that Albus was out of the picture, for now, before going to bed early. He knew that Minerva was utterly devastated, more so, because like him, she had no excuse. What do you mean, Romi? Harry asked in a gentler tone. I, Astoria Greengrass, hereby renounce any association with Slytherin House, on the grounds that its run by an arrogant offensive bully with spotty hygiene and scant teaching skills.. "Dobby is free elf now; Dobby can avenge Harry Potter sir's abuse. The Wizengamot could also present a case to be tried or retried, but the Chief Warlock could override that decision, unless the Wizzengamot had a majority in favor of bringing forth the case. You, sir, are despicable. After the day hed had, he was not going to be talked to like that by anyone. Ron and Hermione started to follow, but stopped when Harry took a step and immediately swayed in place. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. At least there was no magical issues with breaking his contract. Man. Warning: its a WIP. Arrogant and bigoted bullies, just like the Dursleys; we may be in the same house, but you are acquaintances, nothing more, nothing less. He turned, and for the first time that Hermione could remember, he hugged her. How can it be sweet when one of the main characters is a bigoted asshole? 17. The Greengrass book of history?, Yup, I looked it up when my mum told me about the tournament this summer., Harrys head dropped to the table with a bang. He wasnt hanging around in Hogwarts. Id almost forgotten about that. His efforts to reform the Ministry haven't lessened the pure-blood bigotry. Harry hadnt been sure what he had expected when he had seen the name Sirius Black on the Marauder's Map, but it certainly wasnt being left in a room, safe, while the adults rushed off to take care of things. Live? An HBP alternative that diverges from canon at the start of "An Excess of Phlegm.". more." 4. It will be a bit public, Hermione frowned. "Kreacher!" 23. How was she supposed to know Bulstrode wasnt part troll? I wont tell Astoria, Romilda volunteered. Because things can never be normal, and Malfoy always seems to be involved. Ron snorted from beside Harry and pulled out his dictaquill so he could talk out his notes rather than writing them down. To the minute?, Romilda nodded. Harry paused in his pacing, and noticed suddenly how rapid his breathing had gotten. Me too, Romilda said happily, hearing Astoria agree with her. Then he finds out that he's apparently a part of a pure-blood nobility he's never heard of; he's Lord Potter and Lord Black. For everything.. beautifully thought out and fleshed out one-shot. They dont know that she acts like that because she doesnt have the brain power to walk and smile at the same time., Im pretty, too, plus I got Mothers brains.. Still, racebent charactersand even stories featuring the canon characters of colorare few and far between in the already-very-white fandom that features well over a million fanworks.) As everyone gasped in horror or outrage, Romilda was watching Harrys eyes. As for the Wizengamot, I have already sent them a letter explaining just why we are facing the worst international diplomatic crisis in many years. I'm gonna cool off before I continue reading this but it was really good. This takes place in the setting of the Deathly Hallows for Harry and right after "Skyfall" for Bond. You know, give a few interviews, sell a couple of endorsements the Harry Potter Lightning Bolt broom, youd make a fortune! Romilda said enthusiastically. Theres nothing I can do, I have to go back there., Professor Dumbledore said there are blood wards., Well, no, not really. Traditionally, Astoria added, the first two tasks are recovering something from an animal or a location. Plots of a Snake and Two Lions On a Path to Healing Okay, this has been fun, but curfew is in a few minutes. Have you got your magic, yet, Dobby? Harry asked. Hes been living in his animagus form since, we believe. . With a sigh, Harry got up from the bed and walked over to his desk where Hedwig's cage was placed. That sounds like it came from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Hermione agreed. Hermione looked at Harry, who blinked in surprise. linkffn(The Queen Who Fell To Earth) and its trilogy. See you tomorrow.. As soon as he was gone, the whispering started. He shrugged. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). And it was either going to be the Deputy Headmistress hat or the Head of Gryffindor hat. Astoria harrumphed. 3. A personality is the particular combination of emotional, attitudinal, and behavioural response patterns of an individual, right?. Lets get back to the tower.. Romilda joined them. Harry reached out for another piece of toast, and spread some butter and jam oven it. 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