This is known as the Main Move and must be the first exercise of the day. They used only six lifts: front squat, back squat, power clean, power snatch, clean and jerk, and snatch. It has been a 40-year odyssey of pain, work, and experimentation. If youre looking for a description of why this method works or how it compares to other methods of training I suggest you stop reading here. Many have asked how Westside developed the conjugate system and why. There were no Soviet secrets being leaked to the United States at that time. The MTS dynamics were divided into rodent . Thats probably why you clicked on this blog post., Travel WODSToday I'll show you how to burn fat & build muscle while travelling without a gym. The dynamic effort days will help develop bar speed using accommodating resistance and further developing the key muscle groups. Celebrate National Nutrition Month with 10 healthy buys Healthline editors are obsessed with. On this day the trainee must choose either a Squat OR a Deadlift variation and work up to a 1-3 repetition maximum (1-3 RM). Many arm wrestlers have adapted popular strength programs to arm wrestling training in an attempt to get better at the sport. This article provides a complete guide to workout. The Soviets had coaches, like Matveyev, who realized there was a much better method of planning. Choose 1 core movement (i.e., bench press or pull-up variation) and work up to a 1RM performing 5-4-3-2-1. Ive use this approach with several of my fighters and I can honestly say it has helped tremendously from a time effiency perspective and overall performance of the athletes physical capabilities. If all of this sounds like you, read on. The Conjugate Method is a term and methodology made most popular by Louie Simmons, owner of the Westside Barbell Club and the creator of what has become known as the "Westside" method of training. You will have access to a max effort lower, max effort upper and a combined dynamic upper and lower day each week. This program consists of 4 days, 2 max effort and 2 dynamic daysall revolving around utilizing thebare bones essentialsof a bar, a rack, and a sled. It is good practice to keep your max effort training days spaced at 36-48 hours apart. Its sometimes referred to as the Westside-Barbell Conjugate Method or Westsides Conjugate Method. More specifically, as Westside is a powerlifting gym the upper/lower split can be more suitably defined as a Squat and Deadlift/Bench Press split. NO Spam Just quality, useful material. Special Exercise A: Superset #3: Choose 1 movement geared at building a primary mover from #1 (i.e., triceps or upper back). My thoughts on the Conjugate method for wrestlers, when is it applicable, when to use bands & chains, confusion on what IS the conjugate method Occlusion training Training around a shoulder injury and balancing a workout without the use of pushing movements max effort lifts to enhance maximal strength, band accomadated lifts to reduce joint sheering and sticking points, training all bioenergetic demands of the sport. One day per week is devoted to Dynamic Effort Squat training and it runs on a 3-week pendulum wave. It helps build strength with a varied and individualized routine. Maybe they think the push button starters on some new cars are also new, but all cars had a starter button in the 1940s. If it's max effort lower, it can be any squat, deadlift, or good morning variation you choose. The Conjugate System is the new "Hot" word when it comes to trainingsystems right now. After all, there is no way your coach's programming is garbage. By working your body in different ways and making your weaker areas a priority, youll address your limitations and improve your performance. linear/non-linear, undulating, etc. These moves will help you to improve your overall strength and become proficient in your weaker areas. From Rugby League to Union, we have consulted (and still do) with some of the best in the world. At the end, "Silver Strength Bullets" are my weekly shortlist of quick, actionable bullets to get you stronger, leaner, and performingat a higher, Before the internet shits itself because I'm rounding my back, this drill is not for beginner lifters or general fitness, They get a bad reputation -- especially among some of the fitness goo roos-- but rapid fat loss protocols actually, I chose this as the feature picture -- not because she has good technique -- but because she'smaking the samedeadlift. As long as youre handling maximal weight youre getting the job done. Have you ever wondered whatLouie and the crew did whenthey trained in his basement or garage beforemonolifts and specialtybars? Theory and Methodology of Training. Banded Tendon Work: Accumulate 100-200 reps banded pushdowns. Before I begin its important for me to clarify what I aim to accomplish through writing this article: In writing this article I solely aim to provide a reliable source of information which outlines how to use The Westside-Barbell Conjugate Method. Hey Jason, Not sure if this makes a difference but I am curious. The truth is, your exercise programming will make or break you. The methods you will be using are the max effort method, the dynamic effort method, and the repetition effort method. Louie Simmons Westside Barbell is a living laboratory for Louie where he can undergo constant athletic experiments to push the boundaries of what is possible. Within this course you will gain access to programming for 4 days a week. Conjugate periodization is a plan for multilateral, long-term athletic development. Therefore, Im also going to provide you with this link to Westsides store which sells numerous bands of varying strengths. Are there great coaches out there? Louie himself is 1 of only 5 lifters in history to total Elite in 5 different weight classes and the only person over 50 years old to squat 920lbs, bench press 600lbs, and deadlift 722lbs. The conjugate method is a powerlifting training system that consists of variations on these exercises: You do four training sessions each week, consisting of the following types of sessions: This method also includes accessory exercises geared toward building strength in your weak areas. Your time is limited, so your plan needs to be concise. Yessis, M.; Taubo, R.Secrets of Soviet Sports Fitness and Training. Old school Westside training videos including Vogelpohl XXX. Louie has worked closely with Kent Johnson, Johnny Parker, and Buddy Morris and a host of other professional and top-level strength coaches. To quote Louie directly, Do it until it hurts too much., 1) Frequency: 1 session per week for Squat/Deadlift and Bench Press respectively. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. We explore what the FITT principle is, along with how you can incorporate it into your workouts for better fitness benefits. I had my first power meet in 1966. We've checked out all of the options to find the 12 best heart rate monitors you can buy in 2023. All of these athletes train within Westside Barbell. Simply return it within 30 days for an exchange. By completing each exercise in the correct order of importance. The Westside conjugate system is the best of two advanced training systems: the Soviet system, where several special exercises are used to advance the training of superior lifters and athletes, and the Bulgarian system, where near-max lifts are performed every workout. 2023 Westside Barbell. The most notable is Todd Hutchings who has adapted the Westside Barbell Conjugate Method to his arm wrestling training. Additionally, while I understand the majority of gyms dont supply this type of equipment, a good set of bands are not only relatively cheap but are a fantastic investment. Plug in your info below and Ill send your FREEcopy directly to your e-mail in less than 60-seconds. One day per week is dedicated to Maximal Effort training for the Bench Press. 3. With their advice, which they gave me freely at meets, and following the methodologies of the Culver City Westside group, I came up with the Westside conjugate system. Every year it refines and updates and we try to put out as much free content as possible. Aside from building strength, it also aims to enhance muscular endurance and improve your weaker areas. Yessis, M.; Taubo, R.Secrets of Soviet Sports Fitness and Training. George was the squat king. These sessions will last between 30 to 40 minutes. I started all over. I will not discuss other forms of periodization (i.e. For example, if I decide to perform weighted dips as my first accessory move following Bench Press I would progress on weighted dips for a 1-3 week period and then switch to another movement. Our experts continually monitor the health and wellness space, and we update our articles when new information becomes available. They opened my eyes. Its difficult for me to express the significance of this in one line so allow me to reiterate while using italics because you and I both knowitalicsmakes me even more serious: Westside Barbell is the strongest gym in the world!!!! This 'Back to Basics' program was written at thebehest of Louie for garage gym owners or those who have access to limited equipment. Simply return it within 30 days for an exchange. Changing up exercises allows you to constantly challenge yourself and work your body in different ways. If you're reading this article, I'm assuming you're familiar with the conjugate method, and if you've read any of my articles, this probably doesn't come as a surprise to you. Moreover, this training plan is going to include non-negotiable aerobic measures, so we can be assured that adaptations happen for both the cardiovascular system and skeletal muscle take place. We have never released how they would train using our methods, until now. Orders shipped out within 1 - 5 business days. I started training full time in powerlifting in late 1969 after returning from the army. 2023 Westside Barbell. In other words, it's a long-term plan whose goal is to develop well-rounded athletes. Perform 4-5 sets of 6-8 reps with moderate to heavy loading. To fully maximize these benefits, you must consistently follow the correct structure of the training sessions. At Westside, our primary means of warming up is performing lightweight reps using the same exercise we will be using for that training day. The trainee must choose any type of Deadlift variation and perform 6-10 sets of 1-3 repetitions using 60-85% 1RM. I thought there had to be a better way. While some professionals have tried (and failed) to create mock-Westside templates, the reality is very few people have even the most basic understanding of Louies system never mind fully comprehend it. The Westside-Barbell Conjugate Method: A Users GuideWhat Is Westside-Barbell? Do you change max effort movements every three weeks? The wide variety of special exercises will perfect form. Since Louie started publishing his articles on his methodologies in Power Lifting USA back in the 1990's, the methods grew wildly in popularity [] Since most people haveinsufficient means to use bands, chains, weight releasers, or specialty bars (i.e. Daniel Bubnis, MS, NASM-CPT, NASE Level II-CSS. In this paper, we propose a modified Polak-Ribiere-Polyak (PRP) conjugate gradient method. These workouts were designed specifically to induce muscular hypertrophy. In addition to following a nutritious diet and being consistent with your workouts, its important to follow a healthy lifestyle. Percentages increase only by 5% each week for lower-body and upper-body. PLEASE tell me how to lose weight without counting calories! I hear this question all the time and yes, You want to know how to stop binge eating? Accessory exercises should be selected based on weaknesses or strengths that an athlete must develop to continue progressing in the gym and sport. It involves doing variations of the squat, deadlift, and bench press. To ensure success, you must maintain a proper order of exercises during your training day. The variations in this workout plan allow for endless options to keep your practice fresh and exciting. Always Optimal. After a 30-minute rest 6 more maxes on pulling exercises plus 6 max squats, front or back. I am amazed that lifters are still using it today. Zatsiorsky, V. M., & Kraemer, W. J. Goblet Squats: 40-30-20-10 as fast as possible with a heavy. Changing up the exercises and choosing your accessory work helps strengthen your specific areas of weakness. 1995. With the Westside conjugate method we switch a core barbell exercise each week to avoid accommodation. Bouts of 60 seconds to 90 seconds. Performing exercises such as sled pulls, or farmer's walks may not sound like a good time after a grueling training day, but the work lays the foundation for future strengths and abilities to be built. Using these varying tools as added resistance allows one to incorporate more variations into their training while simultaneously targeting specific weak-points. Would you change anything about it? With unlimited access, you can take advantage of our exercise index, which is filled with videos of how to perform specialized exercises that we reference in the workouts. Downloaded and readby thousands of lifters, The Deadlift Bible is my own creation complete with 4 instructional video tutorials and an entire manualoutlining optimaldeadlift technique, progressions, programming, and more. This property is independent of the line search used. 1999.Komi, P. V.Strength and Power in Sports.1996. 12 Week Training Program For Wrestlers. When you use the same routine over and over, you fail to make progress. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Stay focused on your goals and consistent in your approach as you work to constantly challenge yourself. Zatsiorsky, V. M.Science and Practice of Strength Training. Special Exercise B: Unilateral Variation: 3-4 x 10-12 each. Unfortunately, explaining how to use/set up these forms of accommodating resistance is well beyond the scope of this article. They would follow this system 6 days a week. Effect of eight weeks maximum and dynamic effort training program for improving squat press performance. When 3 weeks have been completed choose a different variation and cycle back down to the appropriate starting percentage of your 1RM, Use a wide stance and low/parallel box to build up the hips, Use a close stance and low box to build up the low back, Use a slightly above parallel box to help with the normal sticking point, Use a conventional stance to build up the low back/erectors. No rest between sets. 3)Variations: The variation guidelines are more or less exactly the same for Dynamic Effort as they are for Maximal Effort. 1. The programming that you will receive will account for 4 days of training (max effort lower day, max effort lower day, dynamic lower effort day, and finally a dynamic upper day). It was in 1983 when I broke my lower back for the second time. Request TypeSpeaking EngagementPrivate CoachingPodcast InterviewOther. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The method you choose and how it is programmed will impact your success more than any other aspect of your life. Did you know that Crossfit founder Greg Glassman called Louie and talked over his plans of launching a new exercise community before it became the monster that it is today? This can be much more effective than following a prescriptive program that doesnt accommodate individual differences. He is in the gym every day watching and analyzing all athletic training from all his powerlifters to track and field. The program you select is the roadmap that leads you to your training goals. I started to buy books such as the. A Brief Disclaimer . V-Handle Lat Pulldowns: 4 x 12-15. Louie has been writing about this system for over 30 years. How? Werner G. (n.d.). This will make up 20 percent of your workout. Join our newsletter to get lots of free content in the form of videos, articles & guides. Westside devotes 2 training sessions per week to focus on Maximal Effort Training: One Max Effort session for the Squat/Deadlift and another Max Effort session for the Bench Press. Rather than conclude with a clever anecdote or inspirational statement, I couldnt think of a more fitting way to end this article other than with a quote by Louie Simmons, himself, regarding The Westside-Barbell Conjugate Method. His training was a combination of regular squats, box squats, old Westside style (meaning Culver City, CA, style), rack squats, and good mornings, which contributed to his success. A variation can be as simple as changing the width of your grip/stance or reducing/increasing the movements range of motion (ROM). You can choose to use accommodating resistance and specialty bars during your max effort work at any time. In an attempt to make the programming aspect somewhat easier I have created this 6-week sample program outlining the Main Move variation on Max Effort and Dynamic Effort days respectively. This will depend on you in terms of how much novelty you require in your plan. Considering most of us have a full work schedule before we hit the gym, time and energy are valuable. The most crucial aspect of your programming will be the timing of your training. The young lifters believe its a new from of periodization. Dynamic Effort Accessory Work is largely the same as Maximal Effort Accessory Work with the only major difference being Dynamic Effort days tend to be higher volume/lower intensity than Maximal Effort days. How Strength and Speed Training Can Help Build Your Aerobic Training Capacity, Free Shipping with a $69 qualifying order. The Conjugate Method is actually made up of 80% special exercises, meaning your work with the barbell will only make up 20% of your training volume. This is known as the Main Move and must be the first exercise of the day. 2. Success with a training program depends significantly on programming design, regardless of the exact methodology. Zatsiorsky, V. M., & Kraemer, W. J. The use of accommodating resistance such as bands, chains, weight releasers, and different specialty bars is one of the key components to Westsides success. for most fighters its a constant grind, training year round in skills work from bjj, wrestling, boxing, kickboxing, and strength conditioning. George Frenn was a world record holder in powerlifting and in the 56-pound weight throw. This session will culminate with some easy static stretching to drive the parasympathetic nervous system. 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