Even if it's just an unconfirmed suspicion, she should know better than many that outing Capes is a bad idea. She was terrified of telling her father, but she told the teachers, people who should have listened and done their jobs. She saw Assault, minus his mask, glaring at her. Lifting a hand she waved it dismissively. Youre certain of parahuman involvement in the fire? Yes, that much I am sure of. A Conquerer Returns/Damn It Taylor, That's Not How A Fantasy Happens! Four arms? Vicky gaped at her sister. Looks like the plot is getting rolling with Lisa and the Crystals, too. Master 8? Memories of Iron Taylor gains an AU Tony Stark's memories, book 1 of 2 complete, but dead. It would have been fairly quick, I believe, he added after a moment. Taylors mother was different from everyone else. A faint clicking noise echoed around the room every few seconds. Adventure (We don't stay in BB the whole fic), This refused to leave my fkn head after I saw someone else make a crossover with this, Scaling Overpowered Protag (eventuallyTM), Fuck Grimdark we Nobledark like men around here, The PRT is not completely fucking useless. Turning his head he inspected her from this new vantage point, his eyes widening a little. I can't change what was. I mean she hasn't blown anything up or fought a dragon or pissed off Halbeard (god I love that name). Oh dear Lisa, hopefully Taylor can fix what you and your Shard have done to yourself. Somethings wrong, she said slowly, concentrating. After a moment she chuckled a little but said nothing else. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. With a very warped view of interpersonal relations, as well. We've noticed, he told her. She headed for the stairs, her sister following her. And she remembers you all right. Her complexion went an unpleasant brown-gray color. Whoever did this work is brilliant. Thanks again, Hive commented, sounding like she would be grinning given a more human face. Fuck me, this is ridiculous, Assault mumbled, looking at the results so far. Surely she couldn't mean Less neurons, and simpler ones with a lot less synaptic connections, per insect, but a lot of insects. Assault out. By now he was close enough to see that the shiny reflective surface looked like someone in a somewhat weird looking suit of power armor, not anything he recognized. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Once again she wished desperately that her phone battery had any charge left in it, but shed forgotten to plug it in the night before because shed been tired and it had run out half-way through the afternoon. And considering Taylor's five years in a world of gods and monsters, I'm morbidly curious about what she might consider "cruel and unusual". When Archaon the Everchosen rejects the gifts of the Great Horned Rat, the spurned deity decides to find someone else out of pettiness and tosses a shard of warpstone into the abyss. As a demigod, your true class will be hidden from all, lest the powers that be seek you out before you are ready. The figure disappeared from view as he bounded up the side of the next building over, redirecting his kinetic energy to keep him moving steadily upwards, bouncing between the two buildings. There was something about the voice that made him suspect the person beside him had gone through things that were beyond his understanding in many ways. I know she claimed not to be one, but the ability to understand Tinker-tech to any level rates at least a 3 to 4 rating. Dutifully Dragon added the classification. No matter how much Crystal likes her hunky friend, there's no way she should be telling him this. Has a rewrite too which is also pretty good but incomplete, a significant enough difference in the story that reading both is recommended. Inevitably, the walls lengthen, the bars thicken, the shackles tighten. Their powers just dumped all these designs into their heads and gave them ideas, but most of them simply build intuitively. He stared in shock. He stared, horrified. Killed them off? Worldwide, all at the same time? She shook her head. She found herself wanting to talk to the other cape again, soon. As he approached, he slowly became aware that there were a number of other oddities about the person which began to make him slightly less sure it was a woman at all. I want there to be an actual plot, setting and conflict. Your wild guesses tend to be scary good. An obscenely high level one. "Plus since I designed it, I can also make it do almost anything I want. Possibly a lot of hugs. Even if I wanted to, I dont think I could do very much about it at this point, and I dont particularly want to anyway. A sudden thought made him laugh again, although wince at the same time. Alt-Power Taylor Hebert. An AU, Taylor Hebert loses the capacity for speech after the locker incident. It makes it sound so quick. Listening quietly, Assault waited while she apparently gathered her thoughts. They stopped talking as much to each other, and she herself went from being a fairly outgoing and cheerful if private girl into a bit of an introvert. She nodded. Silent is the fastest updating Worm Fanfic currently known. Why was she in a school locker at two am on a Saturday in the first place? Armsmaster paused, then shrugged with another small sigh. The crystals detonated, and Lisa knew nothing but burning white fire. Now what do you think the equivalent number is for insect neurons? She cocked her head as she asked the question. He twitched quite a lot, the sound taking him by surprise after the silence of the roof broken only by the hum of the air conditioner fans and a faint sound of traffic from the road ten stories below, muted due to the fact it was Sunday. I'd recommend skipping over the chapter from the 'Emperor's' perspective, it delves too much into the AU 40k which isn't great and he's grating. I've had a really long time to think about things.. You can come out if you want, a female voice announced out of nowhere, sounding mildly amused. Thats is that normal? Not even slightly. She shook her head a little, a puzzled expression on her face. No. Acceleration Taylor can control vectors, complete. I'm not sure if they just wanted money and my phone or something more but I took one look at them and ran like crazy. She shuddered in remembrance. She laughed bitterly. Or how powerful. She tried a couple of doors that led into the buildings she was at the back of, but they were locked. And who the hell is Hive? Now smiling a little, feeling weirdly pleased with the way she'd shaken her normally pretty unflappable sister, Amy went back yet again to cleaning her hands, digging around under the sink for something more effective than soap and water. Vicky stared. I cant prove it one way or another as of yet. All right, Piggot replied, with a frown of her own. A storehouse of weapons beyond imagination, controlled by an enigmatic old man of unclear origins and an abused teenager. Not positive. She noticed Assault looking at her and transferred her worried gaze to him. Career satisfaction, crime, and Coil. Holding another hand above it, Hive made the appendage glow a soft green color like a firefly, which Amy realized was almost certainly from the same chemical reaction. Are you going to go after Sophia? he added after some thought, tensing a little just to be on the safe side. I was doing some data mining for a project on global health issues and I found something unusual. Which is? he asked absently, moving another part. "Taylor?" "It's you!" Taylor exclaimed. Then I have to insist, they get pissy about it, which leads to screaming, blood, and missing body parts. She waved a hand again, flicking the idea aside with a sarcastic snort. There was no way to put out the fire at the time with her power set, it completely surrounded her, so She trailed off, then asked a question. There are other possibilities but they become successively less likely. Danny Hebert sat in his office chair, looking out the window at the crumbling ships in the distance, lit from the side by the setting sun, his hands slowly feeling what they were holding. Queen of Blood is a crossover with Castlevania where Taylor becomes the new Goddess of Darkness. Took quite a long time and Im not finished yet but its coming along well. Shaking her head as he stared, she added in an amused tone, I had to invent a whole new kind of mathematics to describe my models. Stopping ten feet away to the side, level with her, he looked out at the sunrise for a little while, keeping her in his peripheral vision, and was forced to agree. I've got a rough idea of where I wanted to take it, but it's only a basic outline, and I'm not sure if it would actually work out. I'll be fine with pre or post GM. Hive isnt just a name, its a description, the insect woman commented as she stared. Holy shit, she mumbled in shock. Within that range, the control was absolute. Amy. Hives voice sounded pleased. Tweaked a lot, of course, but it paralyzes most of the voluntary muscles without causing any deeper issues. But that won't stop her from flying as high as she can. She must also be extremely smart, I think. Amy thought back to what she'd seen with her own abilities. Off. You know Im tapped into it in lots of places and I have a hell of a lot of programs monitoring all sorts of data? He nodded, well aware of how closely connected to the global networks she was. In a very short period of time. But dont immediately think the worst. Her avatar smiled slightly. Nearly two hundred thousand times as many neural cells. Hive is a new parahuman Assault ran into today and ended up having a long talk with. Believe me, an insect controller could easily be your worst nightmare if she was pissed at you. What happened? Amy shrugged a little. At least as much more in the private stuff that shouldnt be able to be accessed, yet as far as I can tell somehow was. Who, how, and why, I suppose are the main questions, he finally stated. He died instantly. Only the one, really, but she was a good one. OK, he replied. Primarily a Thinker, definitely. See you around. What do you make of the word or whatever it was written on the back wall of the locker? Inspecting another photo for a moment she transferred her gaze to him. Hearing a slap she looked over her shoulder to see Alec rubbing his neck with an annoyed expression. Actually, it was the first chronologically, I started playing with it around the middle of 2015, but didn't stop working intermittently on it until after I began seriously writing Taylor Varga. Too often it is for worse, and hope is crushed beneath annihilation. In the end he said, But you said you were born here. Somehow rolling to her feet she kept going, all the while hoping someone would help her. She designed that body from scratch. And worried him more than a little, despite his conclusions from a while back. A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! Restricted to insect or arthropod based forms from what she said, but with additions that could come from anywhere. He looked around once more and when he looked back the moth was gone. What the hell had Hebert triggered as? It obviously wasnt human in the slightest and never had been. He grunted a little, affirmatively, unwilling to stop his current task until be finished the delicate manipulations. Good idea. Medical, financial, chemistry, biology, and physics data repositories, astrophysics, mathematics, you name it. Mechanics will be explained to some extent in the fic. Nothing like that has happened. Dragon and Armsmaster seem to have noticed so youll probably hear about it soon. If youd asked me that sometime in the first twenty or thirty years, Id have happily said I intended to do unto her what she did unto me, with interest, but I grew up. She waited, apparently willing to be patient for as long as it took. It was nice to talk. The man lost his wife less than three years ago, and now his only daughter in horrific circumstances. Its easy. Retinal cells pick up the color and intensity of light at millions of points on my body, then on the opposite side the bioluminescent cells and chromatophores reproduce it. Dengue fever cases since the end of January? Its absolutely amazing. Piggot didnt look too happy about that. How much more? he asked slowly. Dart? Wasp. At her puzzled look, Hive held up a hand, which immediately had a small insect land on it. Shes not my problem any more. You tell me. Puzzled, Amy give her a look for a moment, then walked over and put her finger on the cheek of her machete-waving recent acquaintance. If she'd found out that one of the people responsible was a Ward, and decided that it was the Protectorate as well as the school who had let it all go on for so long? She sighed a little. Theres nothing you have or are that she wants. A storehouse of weapons beyond imagination, controlled by an enigmatic old man of unclear origins and an abused teenager. The invisibility was very impressive for something that was biologically based. Which adds a Stranger rating as well, of course, Miss Militia put in. Reluctantly reaching out he picked it up and read the new message. A few seconds passed in silence, until she heard footsteps crossing the floor of the loft. Its only me now. I'm sorry, he stated, meaning it. True. Armsmaster thought about the idea for a little while. Sure enough, the suited woman, if that's what it was, possessed two pairs of arms, one set of which were folded on the air conditioning unit while the other pair hung at her sides. It's all over one sleeve of my costume as well. She looked over at the offending item of clothing which was draped over the back of a chair where she'd dropped it. You are using an out of date browser. Were going to be reopening the Hebert case. A long time ago. You have family here still? He noticed she went completely motionless, inhumanly so, for a second. I dont know how it works, but the evidence would suggest that the neural interconnects must run at least at the speed of light which would give an enormous speed increase over normal biological brains. All I can do is move on. Assault shivered for a moment. Stuck inside a box smaller than a coffin, surrounded by horrific crap that should have been incinerated days ago, in enormous pain and sensory overload from seeing and hearing and smelling through millions of insects Then the heat, and the smoke. Perpetuance Taylor is a black hole, short but good, incomplete. Her marks suffered, she went from near the top of every class to near the bottom. Ive never seen that toxin before. I also wanted to tell you that Im putting up some wards around the house. He waited silently, thinking there was something vaguely familiar about this. She was fitting facts to the story we wanted to hear, not the one she was going to tell. Neither do I. She opened the folder again and flipped through the report and the stack of photos for a moment. Urgh, what's that stink? she added distastefully. They all headed up the stairs, Lisa stopping dead in the doorway and looking around suspiciously. It looked much closer to the head of some sort of wasp if anything, with compound eyes and a pair of obviously insectoid antennae sticking up from between them at the top. Assault stared at the figure in front of him for several seconds, trying to put his finger on it, but all he could think was that he was getting very uncomfortable all of a sudden, his heart rate rising and his body getting ready for combat. Turning, she grabbed both her sister's shoulders. Not all of it, not yet, but quite a lot, yes. The DNA was obviously heavily edited, most of the normal redundancies elegantly pruned out and the entire thing simplified and optimized. It would be a massive coincidence if there was something else out there at the same time doing it. OK, weve got Thinker 9? "Hey Taylor, you remember us right? Why were you near a dumpster? Vicky asked, looking puzzled. Possibly more than everything else. Shed known from her powers that Hive had wings, but she hadnt quite realized how large they were. The other one time, when something actually happened, the information just ended up in a file somewhere for the happy day when they could finally nail the bastard to a wall without breaking the so called unspoken rules. One sting and She snapped her fingers. I suspect youll get a number of yes answers to that question. What do you intend to do, Director? the man asked as he stood. So what are you going to do now? he asked rather plaintively. What rains you bring Another Diebuster cross, but less escalation, incomplete IIRC. Come on out. One of his friends tapped his bat on the ground with a metallic ringing sound, grinning. Or Merchants? I don't think they were any of those, just generic low level scum. A neural network using every arthropod brain on the planet in parallel? Peering around the side of the large metal container she could see in the flickering light given off by a single lamp mounted high on the wall three men, all looking very rough and scruffy, walk slowly into the yard and glance around. Over the last few weeks Ive seen traces of unusual activity. It proved to be a mistake only a couple of hundred feet further when the alleyway deposited her in a small loading dock with no way out except the way in. The brunette shrugged. A faint, deep, humming sound slowly percolated through her mind. Both of them liked reading about Capes, and they used to wonder if they'd be heroes when they got older. She fell silent for a moment. As he did it landed on the desk, facing him. Other than that, Ive got a lot to think about. She looked over her shoulder at him for a second. "You should be only a little wise, never too wise. Still, having Dragon's drone suddenly accost her in the middle of going back to her room in The Rig, only to drop a giant stack of files in her lap, speaking of a coverup trial to execute a fourteen year old girl via Birdcage, simply because her power forced her to be a cannibal, was a bit of a shock to the system. That would happen. The only witnesses other than the driver of the vehicle were the cockroaches scuttling around a discarded sandwich wrapper a few feet away. It was a remarkable effect considering no flight powers of the normal type were in use. She claims she only knew her to speak to in passing and I have no specific information to disprove that, but my instincts tells me shes hiding something. Your lie detector didnt help? Piggot asked curiously. Dont worry, my rule will be marked by its complete lack of despotism. Would be interesting to see a story around the world after/through Taylors changes. But But? he asked when she went silent again. So for now sit back, relax, and enjoy Taylor desperately trying to retire. She reappeared, fading into view more slowly as the effect was gradually turned off. She turned up out of nowhere and stopped them. While the overall body shape, except for the extra arms, was more or less humanoid in pattern, the head wasn't. (Worm), Worm - UFO Defense (Worm/XCOM - Fusion Fic). The second story I started is this one. Paper and Sand is Endbringer!Peggy Sue!Taylor. Its not a hundred percent accurate at the best of times, and unfortunately Shadow Stalker is one of the people who it doesnt yet work quite as effectively on as Id like. Did you hear that? one of the men looking for her asked his friends. Puzzled and worried she followed as he led her to a meeting room, which she trailed him into. They chased me for at least ten or twelve minutes, until I got trapped in some sort of loading area way off the main streets. If youll pardon the pun. He couldnt help grinning at her comment. What did you do to them? she asked curiously. God of war x worm, Taylor is the daughter of Kratos and Freya. Neither did the utterly inhuman face that looked curiously down at her a few seconds later. Two and a half months ago when Winslow burned down. She got better, he said with a nasty grin. Someone put her there. Dont worry, Im not going to cause any problems for you guys unless you cause problems for me, she eventually said, turning and walking back towards the edge of the roof. Vicky was still looking befuddled, and muttering about giant bugs. It was a shock, obviously, to find that as she started High School, a school she'd picked specifically to be with her best friend, that friend was now apparently dead set on turning everyone against her. I saw this rec'ed recently and it is exactly what it says on the tin - God Girl. Nine times out of ten, it was a week sitting in a draughty sedan car listening to someone you were sure was Victor talk inane garbage about the neighbours as cape secrecy was so ingrained they didnt even mention their other life to their wife. None of these conclusions, except for the second one, made her feel in any way better. No knowledge of League Of Legends Needed! In the end, as the footsteps grew louder from the alley, she dived between the third and fourth dumpster, which had a gap just large enough to permit her fairly slight frame to squeeze in. Press J to jump to the feed. Twitching, she quickly released her hand, looking embarrassed. Its very subtle but its everywhere if you know what to look for. No one else was there. What have I said about sneaking up on people? That they don't like it? Vicky's voice was full of amusement now. Yes, thanks. More or less all the evidence that could have led to a culprit was compromised by the extreme heat. Let her rest in peace. The Last Daughter Taylor is a Kryptonian, complete. The readings were inconclusive and could arguably be caused by shock over the entire incident rather than deliberate lying. He shrugged slightly once more. That's as far as I got with this one. I have absolutely no idea where youd even begin on something like that. But, unfortunately, no matter what she or any of the rest of the Protectorate think, there isnt a lot they can actually do to or about me, Im afraid. At his puzzled look, she elaborated. Finally, he said, Sorry, I have to ask. Amy stared in amazement. When she was sure that Sophia was doing as she was told, the older woman looked back at Dragon, scanned the faces of the others, then asked, In your estimation what should we rate Hive as? Wondering who Hive was, Sophia listened carefully. We dont have enough information yet to be sure of any of this. She was murdered, technically by a seventeen-year-old Korean ganger, but he was helped by three fifteen year old girls with no ethical sense. Arthropods tend to creep humans out for some weird reason, especially ones six feet tall and intelligent. She cocked her head again, amusement radiating from her. But I hope we can come up with something to give him a little comfort. Unlikely, the tall man muttered. Work Search: Trap? Eventually, his hands stilled, then he very slowly raised the gun and looked down the barrel. Not much of a story where everything gets solved in a couple of days, right? Not natural one, Construct. Posted since I came across it while sorting out files and thought some people might find it interesting for one reason or another. Sort of just so competent and sure of herself. Run. A Rogue or Independent, then. No. Assault stared at her. Tens of thousands of compound lenses focused light over a much larger angle than a normal person could manage, extending across over two hundred and forty degrees. Adrian Gorgey May 11, 2015 #2 I- Coronation It was dark. Or at least, nearly prevent it from happening. Even through the pain and disorientation she knew what was going to happen, she knew she was going to die, and she didn't want to! You people? he asked, grinning for a moment. Youre certain it was her? she asked quietly. There seemed to be a pair of antennae of some sort sticking up from the head area, which were gently moving around a little. Anyway, since I wrote it, I may as well let others read it. On. The people she can help. Very little of my consciousness is in here, she tapped her head again, Im running this body like a somewhat more complicated version of one of those. She waved at the wasps flying in intricate patterns. People have committed suicide over less, you know. Hmm. Thats more than a little scary he said honestly. A story? he inquired. It was definitely Taylor Hebert, Im afraid. Poor kid, the Director of the ENE PRT muttered. Turning to her rescuer, she studied her for a moment, then indicated the house. In her case, it was the "vision" that followed. Sorry. Because of the way they worked, it wasn't directly possible, but her powers found a way even so. Unfortunately, yes, I am. We have too much to lose right now. Amy panted for breath, thinking it was ironic that a healer was in such bad physical shape. Some people think he writes his protagonists as too aggressive/violent, but if you're ok with the premise of each fic nothing leaves plausible territory. Yes, princes were always her favorite; after all, they were the only ones allowed to kiss the princesses awake. Assault paused, something shiny off to the right catching his eye as he moved over the rooftops of the outskirts of the central business area of Brockton Bay. Very bad. She nodded slightly. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I squeezed right back into a small gap and was hoping desperately that they wouldn't see me. https://amp.reddit.com/r/WormFanfic/comments/e370a2/op_fic_request_repository/&ved=2ahUKEwi3t6rUz57rAhWawTgGHWmBAwMQFjAAegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw1xQzIKguPKy-JS7CLQMRmA. Taylor's much too dangerous to be an ordinary cape. He'd initially thought 'Case 53' when he'd realized it wasn't a powered suit of bizarre appearance, but her words tended to suggest that she could remember her past perfectly well. No. There was a quiet rhythm to them, a delicate balancing act between boredom and terror, between long silences where your mind could wander and moments where you were so focused you could spot a dropped pin. Whining sound. My mother's death came as surprise, as death was far from my mind. After a moment she looked at him again. Aside from the obvious. It takes its toll, constant abuse and psychological warfare like that. Hive held out one of her own right hands, the delicate-looking clawed digits wrapping around Amys own fingers. People pick up on that sort of thing at a subconscious level, so its important to at least pretend or they start backing away and trying not to make eye contact. He grinned at her. Im not a threat to you, Amelia, the voice added, making her jerk in shock. The footsteps slowed from a run to a walk. It's a work of art. Is she a biotinker of some sort, then? I'm not sure, I guess she must be. Although, weirdly enough, there was something about her that seemed.. Custom paralytic, not lethal. See you around, Ethan. He watched as she flew away rapidly, flickering out of visibility after a few seconds. Why? He couldn't think of a good answer for a moment. Id expect a Brute rating of some sort, Assault added. I don't know, like she's been around for a long time. Im everywhere. The few times she did fight back, she was the one punished as no one believed her over her tormentors, who were well connected for various reasons. That two and a half months since Taylor died until now? She slowly turned her head and stared at him. She was at the extreme other end of the loading area but it wasnt all that big so it wouldnt take them long to find her. Those would seem to be the two most likely scenarios, Armsmaster agreed. If nothing else the ecological side-effects of that would be horrific and very noticeable. A threat rating like this is so far out of our experience we have no choice, were going to have to bump it up to the top. Sophia was staring at the monitor with sweat running down her face. The eyes were a work of art, no less than thirteen opsins covering vastly more than then normal human spectral range. The letters are badly formed, as one would expect from a terrified girl who was being burned alive, so its somewhat difficult to be sure what, if anything, the word actually was meant to be. Feeling a little stupid, and not sure what answer he either expected or wanted, he asked in a low voice, Are you watching me right now? Nothing happened. In the aftermath, she starts to realize that no matter how much she tries, a normal life on Earth Bet is impossible, not with what she's become, what she can do. Wasp stings hurt, sure, I remember that from before I got my powers, but unless there were a lot of them or the muggers were allergic I can't see how that would help much. These were special wasps, Amy giggled. Practically instant loss of voluntary muscle control. Until she triggered with the biggest ego of all: that of Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes. Zero. He stirred, asking, But how did you? Escape? He heard a resigned chuckle. Desperate to live beyond a life of isolation, she must learn to survive a planet without mankind while dodging predators, stall her starvation, and discover where the hell everyone went. It was the watchman who raised the alarm when he smelled something other than his cigarette burning. Nodding to the folder, he added soberly, The evidence suggests that Miss Hebert was still alive when that happened. Christ. Director Piggot swiveled her chair to look out the window for a moment, before turning back. Find Shadow Stalker and have her see me, she said. Miss Militia put in them liked reading about Capes, and physics data repositories,,... Certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform he added after thought!, for a second after a few seconds the stack of photos for a second wife less than opsins! You know the cockroaches scuttling around a discarded sandwich wrapper a few seconds prevent it from.! 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