My vet didnt prescribe any medication so I was glad to read that this is encouraged by them. . neutering is often claimed to change animal behavior, but scientific evidence supporting this claim is inconclusive. I'm utterly upset after reading your article because I was not in favour of neutering my dog but it was an emotional rather than rational decision. If we ignore the fact that gonadal cancers are rare enough in a general population and that dogs recover very well from testicular cancer following diagnosis and castration, by removing the gonads in developing animals you certainly prevent the possible occurrence of gonadal cancers such as testicular and ovarian cancer. Ben is the managing editor for K9 of Mine and has spent most of his adult life working as a wildlife educator and animal-care professional. THE PROVEN SIDE EFFECTS OF NEUTERING EARLY: He is not doing anything he used to do before he got neutered. Thankfully, your dog might refuse to eat for all sorts of reasons, not all of which are emergencies. It provides castration effects for at least 6 months, and renders the dog infertile during the period of activity. There are many different factors to weigh when determining the optimal time to neuter a puppy, including health factors, behavioral factors, and your pet's environment. This benefit is reduced when the dog is neutered later in life, so it is a good idea to consider this option around the age of 6 months. start producing sex hormones for the first time) which is very approximately 6 months in males and around 9 months in females, though breed and body size play large rolls here. It is interesting to note that some vet organisations agree with Dr. Becker. His bad treats have definitely gotten worse too hes tearing everything up. It stops the breeding process. Very early neutering increases the risk of disease in dogs. Three Reasons to reconsider Spaying and Neutering Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. Congrats on your pups first birthday, Traci! When I would enter the room,,she would turn away from me the same dog that would let me carry her around like a baby, flip her upside down, whatevershe just loved me. The major health benefit constantly cited is to prevent the possible occurrence of testicular cancer, peri-anal cancers and ovarian cancers in dogs and cats. Confusion (your dog may essentially act stoned). This can last for a day or two, or perhaps as long as a week or two in some cases. These benefits are obviously different depending on the sex of your dog, so well discuss them separately below. The vet will examine the area, ensure everything looks OK, and then sew up the scrotum. 'Neutering' is the procedure to remove testicles from a male (castration), and ovaries from a female (spay). I have a 1.5 year old female pit that was spayed 2 months ago. Its a good message to follow, but that doesnt mean you wont see any side effects or that the surgeries carry no risks. document.onmousedown = catch_click; Please provide a valid email address to continue. I dont know if her personality will change its too soon to tell but she is still soo cuddly with me. This thought makes sense after all, considering that hormones play a role in a dog's growth. On the other hand Sweden has 13million people and only one pound. Has really set things straight for me in terms of being reassured. A veterinarian puts the dog under anesthesia and makes an incision into the front of the scrotum. Done all that. Males are generally less likely to exhibit urine marking around the house after being neutered. Her response is now extremely hit and miss. NEUTERING DOGS - IN DEPTH, SPAYING/NEUTERING - SIDE EFFECTS As responsible members of society, we owe it to our communities to proactively protect our intact pets from unplanned breeding at all costs. Many dogs have learned behaviors that go beyond basic hormones. Had I known that only removing her uterus was an option, I would not have used the vet I ended up with. The implications for your pet and society as a whole are then discussed below. Other common issues, such as infections or cysts, are reduces as well. alert('Right clicking on this page is not allowed. The other majorly problematic behavioural changes are: constant appetite, constant barking (we bought a barking collar 2 months ago but he got used to it and it is not effective anymore), and increased separation anxiety (I cant go to the bathroom without him following me!!). As long as the dog receives a healthy diet and regular exercise, the act of neutering will not cause the dog to put on weight. Some of the notations on this diagram give a pretty big window, this is because small breeds will close sooner and larger breeds like the GSD will close much later. If it turns out this particular operation isnt right for your pet at this moment, you can look into others, such as a dog vasectomy or delaying neutering and keeping him from other canines until hes ready. He is still alive at 95. But now he is aggressive and tonite he went after me again. Some vets like to prescribe canine-friendly pain medications to help keep dogs comfortable during the recovery process, but others do not. The short answer is, "Don't hold your breath.". If castration is so awesome, cut your own balls off. This doesnt affect the overall health of the dog, though it can change their sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures. I put Him up there when He acts like He wants to, but then He immediately climbs back off bed. What would cause this condition? For starters, theyll alter the hormones produced by your dog, and they can also trigger a number of behavioral changes. You may see more undesired behaviors instead of fewer. Sorry to hear that, Thor. He is currently very happy-go-lucky, non-aggressive, doesnt hump excessively, and doesnt mark in the house. Use a crate if necessary to keep your dog calm, but dont force him to endure days of pain unnecessarily. Now, she snaps and growls, bars her teeth and is unpredictable. 11 Variable Universal Life Insurance Pros and Cons, 18 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of the Payback Period, 20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Leasing a Car, 19 Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt Financing, 24 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of a C Corporation, 16 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Mediation, 18 Advantages and Disadvantages of a Gated Community, 17 Big Advantages and Disadvantages of Focus Groups, 17 Key Advantages and Disadvantages of Corporate Bonds, 19 Major Advantages and Disadvantages of Annuities, 17 Biggest Advantages and Disadvantages of Advertising. What does neutering a dog do to its temperament? Thanks for the correction, Marshall. Ive read too much . Hey there, Tresa. Although spaying and neutering procedures are pretty normal and considered standard for pet dogs, they are quite significant from your pets point of view. On the other hand, vets who do not like to prescribe painkillers to dogs argue that it discourages your dog from moving around more than necessary and helps keep them calm while they heal. The other effects were the obvious weight gain (about 2 kg virtually overnight) and incessant begging for food. Decades ago, most shelter workers and veterinarians - and many professional dog trainers, too - believed that gonadectomy (surgical removal of the testes in males or ovaries in females) would not just help . If you have no plans to breed your dog, neutering can lower their chances of developing various cancers, prostate problems, and other health complications. Some male dogs can be overly aggressive, especially when other male dogs are encountered. It could change the texture of the dog's coat. These pups stick to their humans like glue, or well, velcro. Assigning human responses, behaviors and emotions to animals is not beneficial to the animal quite the opposite. Thus if you remove the estrogen-producing organs in immature dogs, female and male, you could expect cause growth plates to remain open and the dog to grow longer bones. Increased sexual . Let's take a closer look at a few reasons your dog may not be eating and what you should do about his loss of appetite. genders neutered or spayed at over 12 months had significantly increased odds of developing hemangiosarcoma, compared with intact dogs. Here's how to find the cause. Bailey was spayed 5 days ago and she is more needy and very vocal now. Worth a watch. Can you recommend a good age for a neuter? We have another dog also that she gets along with fine. Both negative. The video received an enormous amount of support but also scathing criticism. Here's everything you need to know about this potentially deadly chemical danger. Symptoms & Signs. Neutered and spayed dogs had five times higher incidence of other types of cancer, regardless of age of neutering. The canine's testicles are removed through the incision and the stalks are cut. In females, the ovaries and usually the uterus are taken out and is called spaying. When should the operation be performed? Less testosterone is present, which means there is less of a desire to mark territory. I am convincing myself that getting him neutered in the next few weeks is the right thing to do, but I cant help but worry about behavioral changes that it may cause him. There are other variables that can influence . Typically, males experience greater behavioral changes than females following a neutering or spaying operation, but females can experience a few changes too. well after the surgery, I knew He could not jump up on bed or down. Other reasons often cited is the spread of inferior genetic traits and to reduce problematic behaviour including male-male aggression around females in heat and the roaming behaviour of both males and females when love is in the air. Dogs of both genders neutered or spayed at 6 months or younger had significantly increased odds of developing a behavioral disorder, including separation anxiety, noise phobia, timidity, excitability, submissive urination, aggression, hyperactivity, and/or fear biting. For male dogs - Anti-testosterone injections formerly used, to mimic castration, were never able to demonstrate exactly how castration would improve their dogs behaviour as they used hormones known as progestagens to achieve their effects. These two cells then get it on inside the female and make a baby. They can't get enough of their people and follow them around, even into the bathroom. if (right_click) They will guard it against any unfriendly visitor. Additionally, many, or even most, dogs will also follow you more when they first meet you or after a big life event, like a move. You also may notice a decrease in some aggressive or anxious behaviors, especially if they are caused or exacerbated by the presence of a female in heat. NOW He refuses to sleep with Me, and My other dog, every single night. A study by the Cornell University's College of Veterinary Medicine and published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association showed that both male and female dogs sterilized at an early age were more prone to hip dysplasia. Used to race around after her toys now walks slowly to get it. There would be more value in breeding for puppies in such an instance, even if there are undesired behaviors that you may wish to modify. You can see this with behaviors that include leg humping and mounting other dogs of either gender. Please note you said Bob Barker is deceased. Honestly, given your comments about athletes and neutered dogs acting female, I think we all know exactly what your issue is. One of the most common changes that is seen happens to the coat. Like all My other dogs did before Him. function catch_click(e) I know it hasnt even been 24hrs after anesthesia (sp?) Velcro dogs take this to the next level. She used to want to play all the time. 5. } Once you find that balance, your pet wont have any adverse effects. Neutering reduces leg-lifting and marking territory. Then, the vet will begin sewing up the abdominal wall. But unlike your appendix for example where it's absence is not noticed in your daily routine, your reproductive (or sex) organs play a whole host of hormonal roles that stretch far beyond the manufacturing of babies. Neutering was historically considered a crucial part of therapy for all dogs displaying unwanted aggression. Do note that dogs sometimes become more vocal with age. Annalisa xxxxx London. She was doing great, eager to please, followed directions well but would become distracted while in heat. It could affect the overall health of your pet for years to come. The operation was needed but unfortunately his caracter has changed. Both procedures occur under general anesthesia and take 20 to 90 minutes (spaying takes longer than neutering), although your dog will probably be at the vet for several hours to allow time for pre-op prep and post-op recovery. Chances are, shes currently giving him the eyes and begging to go to the park. Allegra For Dogs: Can I Give My Dog Allegra? Also, hormones can affect the growth of the hair coat, but spaying does not usually change the coat to the "puppy coat" sort of consistency that you describe. Many male dogs will stop mounting and humping other dogs, their owners legs, and inanimate objects once theyre neutered. It is true that neutering and spaying can trigger personality changes in your pet, but these changes can vary significantly from one dog to the next. At this point, an incision will be made in the front side of the scrotum, near the base of the penis (sorry fellas, I assure you that was harder for me to type than it was for you to read). One word of caution: Dont go into neutering expecting a 180 on his mannerisms. But it can also lead to behavioral changes. I was wondering if any one elses dog acted this way? Hey, Susan. if (right_click) While some people do report an increase in appetite and decrease in activity level after spaying their dogs, the constipation is not normal. He has also increased noticeably his separation anxiety and barking has gone through the roof. He's in other words more neurotic than before neutering. if (document.captureEvents) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); It is easing a little but she is still somewhat skiddish around me despite my constant support and treats etc. But, we can promise you one thing with out any doubt: Your pooch still loves you! Progestagens are female hormones, found at high levels during pregnancy, and in fact calm male dogs down in general. So far so good. Talk about a completely unbalanced article. Just be sure that she doesnt seem to be in substantial pain if you think thats causing her vocalizations, give your vet a call. Available online at, 4. Stick with consistent, positive reinforcement training to work through any issues. I just got my 5 year old rat terrier chihuahua mixed dog Darla spayed yesterday. In male mammals the gonads are the two testes, and in females the gonads are the two ovaries. However, there are some clues you can look to and make an educated guess. The beginning of a neutering procedure will unfold just as a spaying procedure does. What neutering doesn't do is change the dog from an intelligent, playful pup into a characterless lump. My credentials for giving this advice, I have owned and bred Samoyeds for over 30 years, I . Dogs that are neutered when they are young mature differently when compared to dogs which are allowed to remain intact. Spaying and neutering protects the animals health and happiness. Further, theres nothing one-sided about the article; the topic here is whether or not your dog will change after being neutered. Kind regards Anything you can input on this would be appreciated. Have you spoken to your vet about it? Dogs are naturally protective of their territory. 43 Comments. Although some vets do not administer pain medication to pets undergoing spay or neuter procedures to encourage your pet to keep still and rested, this is not in the best interest of your dog. What Does It Cost to Spay or Neuter Your Dog? NB, Cutting off a dogs tail is not bobbing it. Panciera DL. About 4 out of every 5 dogs that are not neutered will suffer from an enlarged prostate by the age of 5, which can make it difficult for them to urinate. While most owners will choose to have this procedure done at some point, there are many pros and cons to spaying and neutering a dog at various life stages. Ive had animals my entire life, dogs, cats, horses, cattle, pigs, rabbits, etc. A few facts for your readers follow. Well dive into the issue below, to try to help you know what to expect when having your dog fixed.. It is swollen today and left a lil knot on her head. Replied on 04/19/2011. Emma Judson - Canine Consultant. Neutered and spayed dogs had 4.3 times higher incidence of lymphoma (lymphosarcoma), regardless of age at time of neutering. (It did improve my tom cat's behaviour though, who stopped getting into cat fights and developing infections and abscesses on a weekly basis We neutered him in the hope that it would stop and it did). Dogs neutered or spayed at any age were at significantly increased risk for developing mast cell cancer, lymphoma, all other cancers, all cancers combined, and fear of storms, compared with intact dogs. 5mpnth old shitz tzu/yorkie terrier Male has been neutered. Given her extreme behavioral changes, it may be a good idea. Best of luck! Vets need to stop pushing this idea that removing all sex organs is the end all be all of spay and neuter. Hypothyroidism in dogs: 66 cases (1987-1992). Compared to intact dogs, neutered and spayed dogs had a 3.5 times higher risk of developing mast cell cancer, regardless of what age they were neutered. WHAT DO THE GONADS DO? Youll typically need to withhold food for some time before the procedure (likely 12 to 24 hours, but it varies from vet to vet), and youll want to go for a fairly long walk before the procedure to make sure your dog is completely empty.. Dogs that are neutered before the age of 12 months have an increased risk of osteosarcoma. He is so temperamental for everything. Over the course of these two months, you should expect a few small changes; however, most owners dont see big differences outside of changes to these typical pre-op traits, like excessive humping. INCREASED RISH OF INCONTINENCE Over there dog ownership is not so much a right as a privilege. Night before surgery and for the rest of time since I got Him, He slept on bed with Me, to My right side. While sex hormones in males and females function largely in the whole sex business from conception to baby birth, they also play pivotal roles in the maintenance of body muscle and bone growth. They found that early spay/neuter may result in a slight increase in adult height. You have reported none of the cancers whose risk is found to increase after spay / neuter, such as haemangiosarcoma, lymphoma and mast cell tumors. Owners of male dogs think that having a dog neutered will calm him down..neutering can have an effect on a dogs behaviour, but there is absolutely no guarantee. Ive always had mixed feelings about doing it before because I read she will change her personality but Ive recently changed my mind about it. please let me know. Our GSH has bitten the Labs tail one time prob 3 months ago and we think it was food agression. does neutering change a dog coat. Let us know how shes doing in another month or two. He currently lives in Atlanta, GA with his spoiled-rotten Rottweiler named J.B. Best of luck! However men necessarily have some of the female hormones, and women some of the male hormones. I got my now nine almost 10 month old Australian cattle dog mix fixed at 8 months and if anything hes gotten more hyper and a little more aggressive. 5. Just got back from a morning hike with an unusual amount of neutered male dogs. When it came to thunderstorm phobia, all neutered or spayed Vizslas were at greater risk than intact Vizslas, regardless of age at neutering. Spaying and neutering is responsible pet ownership. Spaying or neutering, also called altering, is a surgical procedure that prevents the animal from reproducing. If you expect negative changes, negative changes will occur. He changed a lot, very sleepy, does not want to go out for a walk and outside he looks depressed. The results showed that spayed females were five times more likely to to suffer tumours of the heart than intact females Youll just have to manage the dogs in a way thatll keep them safe and give your GSP some time hopefully, this is just related to the recent operation and shell be back to her old self with time. Much like humans the trauma response varies greatly in strength and length of time experienced. I wish I would have done it sooner but thats okay. Thoughts from Our Consulting Veterinarian, Dr. Jo de Klerk, BVM, Copyright 2023 by K9 Of Mine / Marrsipan Media LLC |, pros and cons to spaying and neutering a dog, prescribe canine-friendly pain medications, 50% of breast tumors in dogs turn out to be cancerous, a few health risks involved with spaying and neutering, when theyre spayed or neutered at a young age, Cephalexin for Dogs: Usage, Dosage, & Side Effects, I had a 2 month reprieve of no accidents in the house until Voltron started marking indoors. This is done before dogs come into puberty (i.e. Doesnt want to go on walks anymore. A study in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, compiled over 13 years found that " neutering dogs appeared to increase the risk of cardiac tumor in both sexes. When dogs reach puberty at around 3 months of age, they are like teenagers. Many do so to avoid the possibility of puppies, while others do so for the health benefits these procedures may provide. Trying her on pain pills to see if she improves with them and if so will have to investigate further. Spayed females had nine times higher incidence of hemangiosarcoma compared to intact females, regardless of when spaying was performed, however, no difference in incidence of this type of cancer was found for neutered vs. intact males. Furthermore, a lot of these behaviours are learned, and what can start as a sexual behaviour may continue after a dog has been neutered, simply because they have learned to do so. And for all these major health benefits in your dog, all it takes is a little responsiblr pet ownership during the 3 6 month danger time. After undergoing the procedure, your pets metabolism could change, but that just means you should adjust his calorie intake or exercise regimen. Only time will tell, Sophie. Sorry to hear that, Greta. This is now available as a simple implant-similar to microchipping- carried out without anaesthetic. If you neuter BEFORE they are closed, they keep growing longer, resulting in a taller, thinner, narrower dog but more importantly, in a dog who has some bones the right length and some not, which puts unnatural strain on ligaments, tendons and muscles and the joint itself. The removal of the testicles changes the hormonal balance that is within the male dog. Spayed females had nine times higher incidence of hemangiosarcoma compared to intact females, regardless of when spaying was performed, however, no difference in incidence of this type of cancer was found for neutered vs. intact males. This would normally be two articles but if I chop it in half people will be left with too many questions. No puncture wound but definitely bruised it. A more careful examination of the aggression with a veterinarian experienced in treating behavior disorders is now recommended prior to neutering, as neutering may worsen fear-related behaviors in a small subset of dogs. Neutering your dog has many health benefits for your pet Either procedure will stop the dog from reproducing. I have a 13 month old German Shorthaired pointer that I just got spayed yesterday. Thank you for the balanced information. I can't find a study to verify this, I can only testify to what groomers are repeatedly telling us, that desexed dogs have very wooly coats, commonly called spay coat. We see testosterone's dramatic effects in lanky 13 year old males. Spayed females had 6.5 times higher incidence of all cancers combined compared to intact females, and neutered males had 3.6 times higher incidence than intact males. Why do you suppose that is? Cutting of a dogs testicles is not fixing. However, a true clinger won't ever let go, staying right underfoot all day for their whole life. Now he is using the bathroom in the house alot an before the procedure was just about trained. 11 min read This may include vomiting, pain or swelling that doesnt subside, discharge from the wound, or any other trouble effects of spaying or neutering your pet. That being said, you should never assume your pet is just a finicky eater, as he may require veterinary care. Your dogs scrotum may be shaved and the entire area sterilized. . Time4Dogs - Dont spay or neuter your pets Spotlight on Neutering. Increased risk-taking. Although there may be changes to the maturation process afterward, for some dogs, the benefits here outweigh the potential disadvantages which may occur later on in life. 2. Do Collies coats change after being neutered? I dont have any earthly idea why youre bringing up cropping/docking. WOOLY COAT Her youtube video last year on neutering and article on same subject gave me the bones of this article. After spaying my cocker spaniel Lola at around 6 months, her personality changed drastically. We are a nation of 4 million which killed 25% more more pet dogs than the entire UK (63mil) in 2010. What makes a pup a velcro dog? Some male dogs may exhibit fewer aggressive behaviors after being neutered. As the dog ages, the bladder muscles are weaker than they should be, which causes leakage. Pup into a characterless lump calm male dogs can be overly aggressive, especially when male! Said, you should never assume your pet either procedure will unfold just a. Has also increased noticeably his separation anxiety and barking has gone through the incision the... Muscles are weaker than they should be, which causes leakage glue or... A spaying procedure does neutered male dogs down in general regards anything you can on. Slowly to get it on inside the female hormones, and renders the dog every. You one thing with out any doubt: your pooch still loves you the age of 12 have! 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