I was denied because my wife overstayed her visa before we got married. You should obtain certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it, ie. When I filled out my application, I completely forgot about this incident and did not include it in the form. The case was dismissed and my record was expunged, which I stated in the application. We have videos of the security cams were can be shown that they never lived in that place. The minutes) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. If you were charged with a misdemeanor the safe bet is to state that, explain what happened, and provide certified copies of the court disposition. Is there something more this case like other background reasons or something such as your child missing school can affect your trusted traveler card? CBP can deny for any criminal conviction, regardless of where it occurred. Ive appealed and got conditional approval. I was not convicted or charged with anything and was let go. Then got married and before I leave for my interview to obtain my green card , I applied for 601a waiver and went to my home country and was able get my ir1 visa and now I got my green card and I applied for global entery . Please tell me how this is considered at risk! Should I disclose the conviction and subsequent pardon? Natasha is a freelance writer and frequent traveler. Ive been arrested and case was dismissed and then expunged. Ive never had any other violations in over 30 years of travel. You would need a separate. CBP generally likes to see the passage of time with no further negative incidents before approving or reinstating an applicant. Thanks. A DUI is a criminal misdemeanor. If I took a chance and ended up being denied for GE, would that then affect my pre-check status? Should I? I had went to my SENTRI interview this past week and was approved, I went again for my children and my brother in law, when helping my brother in law with his interview I mentioned I had DACA before and then the officer stated I wasnt allowed to have the SENTRI because of DACA, saying that I had committed an immigration crime, I entered the US legally with a passport. When I landed, I looked in my bag (5+ hours had elapsed and it was late) and saw no fruit. If you were charged as a minor, ie. I have won the DMV hearing and the charge has been dropped to a disorderly Conduct 240.20 segment 7 violation. They did state that all misdemeanor cases that received a monetary fine were reported to the California DOJ. Do you think they will deny him based on this minor juvenile offense? 10 years from the initial charge or 10 years from my expulsion. mail@johnmanley.net. Perhaps your local congressional delegate can help. I estimate CBP would initially deny for the immigration/criminal violation. I have a public intox from 2018. I was convicted by court martial for fraternization back in 2008. Or should I just leave it alone? Me and my family are long time SENTRI users. I explained the circumstances, no physical violence and it was dropped to a Class C misdemeanor. If the case was thrown out in trial, you likely do not have a criminal violation over the incident. If you regularly visit Mexico or Canada by car, SENTRI may be a good option. I believe we spoke on the phone about this matter. I saw the following language in a Global Entry membership decision letter: has a 2010 DUI arrest and conviction, https://thinkimmigration.org/blog/2021/08/04/trusted-traveler-program-fumbles/, CBP One Is Riddled With Flaws That Make the App Inaccessible to Many Asylum Seekers, Biden Wants to End Exploitation of Migrant Children, But His New Asylum Policy Could Make It Worse, Black Immigrants in the United States: Population, Spending Power, and Political Capital, USCIS Policy Change Will Reduce Number of People Who Age Out From Green Card Eligibility, How To Seek Asylum (Under Bidens Proposed Asylum Transit Ban), In 12 Not-At-All-Easy Steps, CBP $5k SENTRI Fines: A Common Mistake Made, CBP $5k SENTRI Fines: Questionable Recent CBP Tactics at San Ysidro, CBP is issuing fines for SENTRI violations ($5k) at San Ysidro Port of Entry. This was 3 years ago, but you get put on unmonitored probation where you just stay out of trouble, and then at the end of the program the charges are dismissed and the matter is expunged. CBP can and usually will deny due to that. I am already part of the program, but I just got an arrest over the weekend for a misdemeanor Domestic Violence. Unfortunately, the application fee that you paid ($50 to $122.25, depending on the program) is non-refundable even in the case of a denial. Can I apply for TSA pre check if global was denied ? She will soon get her gallbladder removed. Was convicted of reckless driving and had it expunged. Otherwise, I would talk to my local congressional representative for assistance. How long a wait is anyones guess. I dont want to wait the 10 years they say. I guess the more general question is, if you have successfully won the appeal with Ombudsman is it a done deal and the interview a simple formality at this point? Other than that, I have no criminal record, or anything on my background. If you were charged as a minor, ie. I believe a felony conviction would automatically disqualify you. The charges were dropped and my record expunged and the files were sealed under a program known as Accelerated Rehabilitation. CBP has always taken a strong position against cannabis and its industry. CBP will look at the facts and circumstances. If I do apply, should I list those in the application? Once that happens, you could then decide to apply for reinstatement or reconsideration with the Ombudsman through your Trusted Traveler Profile. That person NEVER LIVED in that house, but we are screwed with cbp records and of course sentri, we applied for reconsideration and explained that we have nothing to do with the inmate but we were denied again. Global Entry includes TSA PreCheck perks. They didnt tell me why, only told me to call a number and to get it soort it out with sentri people. Six month later my GE was revoked because I no longer meet the eligibility requirements. I have been denied twice I just got denied today for a second time and I dont know why I have been arrested, convicted or have a criminal record. I was a US resident at the time, about 5 yrs. My wife had a computer fraud felony over 30 years ago, has never been an issue or been seen by any of her employers even though she disclosed it to them. Its been ten days since my interview, and I have been stopped more for random secondary and aqi (agriculture) inspections in that period of ten days than I have in the last 4 YEARS. You could consider applying for reinstatement if denied. Does my info on my IRS taxes have to coincide with the info I give to CBP for my SENTRI? How should I have answered that question? Im in California. Thoughts on chance for success? I went into the office and the customs officer and I went through the bag and there at the bottom was the black stem of the banana. Had a federal felony conviction in the mid-1980s and was incarcerated until the mid-1990s. thanks! or should I request to have them expunged? It also asks for fast id# membership number etc I never had one .should I say no never applied but I dont want to lie, Contact customer service for this question, please. My mom used to live in a room in a house that the owner gave the address to anyone. In my own experience, I have successfully argued for Reconsideration or Reinstatement of Trusted Traveler privileges for clients who had a single minor violation which was more than ten years old. I have no criminal record, nor further immigration incidents since the aforementioned. I have a green card and no convictions, hearing, court rulings for immigration violations ever. No criminal record of any kind. It sounds like you have a good reinstatement argument with the Ombudsmans office. I dont even know for sure what year this took place, but it was in Hawaii. Now my whole family had sentri revoked my mom my sister my brother in law . I had a drug case in 1997 for possession of control substance and had the case dismissed via drug diversion. Ten years is not an official rule or policy. I have had a perfectly clean record since Jan1,2011. Two cases had been purged. I havent received any communication from CBP revoking my status, should I need to inform them about this incident? Do you think I would be wasting $100 by applying for the Global Entry? Your first correspondence should be your best argument, rather than saying, why was I denied? If you like, contact me before writing to the Ombudsman and I could help you submit a good argument. For immigration purposes, a child means someone who is under 21 years old and unmarried. Or should I just apply for TSAPreCheck? Ten years is an unofficial policy. If I cross right now could I get it revoked? Should I have lied, looking back maybe but I choose the truth. I work for the Government and have a secret clearance. I have never heard of anyone receiving approval who had more than one misdemeanor conviction. (Spelling corrections) This is the second time my sentri card was taking, the first time it was for a personal clash, when I cross the border they ask me, what I have to declare from Mexico?, if nothing, I say nothing, 99.9999 Im on my way, if I do I always declare it, This one agent was screwing with me and I did call him a fPocho, he toke my card, I said I would not leave the booth until I could talk to the supervisor, the supervisor come over and they were going back and forth of who was going to keep my sentri card? You think this is grounds for it to be taken away? 1 year have passed already since sentri got rwvoked. Anyways, I got my Sentri revoked immediately along with my family. The first time i got lost do to the gps. Travelers must be preapproved for the SENTRI program, undergo a background check and attend an in-person interview as part of the application process. I have had no traffic tickets or any brushes with the law since. Unfortunately, customs or agricultural violations seem to stay on a persons record forever. Second, in 2006 i overstayed my visa in Thailand by 1 day. A key component of these new policies is the increased use of the CBP One app. Or should I expunge first.no other criminal, violations etc ever! Marijuana use is not allowed on a federal basis, although it is legal in some states. In a phone conversation the DOJ agent stated that the DOJ only uses fingerprint records to report criminal history. I had It vacated in 2011. I had possession of cocaine residue in an old device flying into Canada in February 2016. That is a tough question. If you have a presidential or governors pardon, you should receive it. Can she apply for TSA Precheck alone if she is unlikely to be renewed for Global Entry? of a crime in the state of Connecticut. At the same time, CBP says you should disclose any convictions even if the were sealed or expunged. I applied for global entry and had a detention back in 2004. Will I likely be denied? My husband was denied global entry membership because of 2 DUIs going back more than 15 years ago. It is unclear if CBP will approve if it has been a long time since the violation. I was told as it was similar as a traffic violation (I paid a $100 fine) so this is not clear if I should mention it. Thanks. Will this disqualify me from global entry? She was also told not to leave thje country when we applied for her green card and then told she had overstayed her visa. I want the GE because I travel more international these days.. 14 times to Central America in the last two years. But it seems that she blocked my Global entry. Im now 39 and havent had a single incident. You can always run your FBI check to see if that shows up on your profile. It costs more but includes . I plead to disorderly conduct instead of wasting money for trial and I have certified transcripts of this. My kids and i were revoked from sentry program and denial for reconsideration, i have no convition of any kind, on the time of denials was when i when to get the card for my son he was just 3months old, the officer that did the interview said she was removing my cards because i was hidding my husband at my house, he lives in Tijuana, i told her that but she only said i already put it on the computer you would have to do a reconsideration onlineand i got denial like 4 times 3 reconsidarations and 1 reaply, can i do something about this? But, if you plead to something, you likely had a criminal violation, regardless of whether or not you expunged the incident later. I got the case expunged several years ago and have no other convictions. I have had a lot of green card cases continued over this reason. Will the DWAI factor in even though its not a misdemeanor or felony? I applied for GE and provided the certified copies and my GE got approved. Now that I was renewing my membership, it came back revoked. Keep in mind that corresponding with the Ombudsman is a a one-time only correspondence. So how do we make money? I live in Mexico and if I need to get my records, Id likely have to go in person and thats not going to happen. I have a dui 15yrs ago would I get denied for Sentri. Is the interview pretty much a formality at that point? After reading comments and replies for an hour, Im not so confident that Ill be approved. I only noticed it now. He just got renewed last year. I had TSA Precheck. I did request for a reconsideration but I had no documents to attach as no true reason was given. CBP needs to do a better job with people who have had old customs violations. The Global Entry application fee is $100; membership lasts five years if approved. Four years ago she plead guilty to Negligent Driving for a single vehicle car accident (no property damage, just her car) after having consumed alcohol. Lol screw the USA. Hello I was denied sentri because I was seen with people who were doing something illegal which I had no knowledge of. Thats my biggest concern if theyre different entities and not really linked so to speak, Im willing to take the chance on losing the fee. Basically I need to know how to proceed now and what to expect. Consider filing a DHS Trip Redress if CBP is repeatedly sending you to secondary inspections. Thanking You in advance for your opinion. You would have to prove them wrong by getting background checks, court records, etc Feel free to contact me if you want assistance with this. I Just applied for GE. IN the interview he mentioned how he had an incident 10 years ago with a MIP for drinking alcohol in public. What happens after you win an appeal with Ombudsman? In your case, you might be able to apply successfully once it has been a full ten years without any other negative factors. HI! He has been a law abiding citizen and business owner. I submitted a reconsideration request and its pending review. They put me under driver, I applied in 2015 for the sentri and the denied it. I have two priors, the first one was for theft, when i was 17 years old. years later I applied again and was again granted the card. I applied to renew (as GE was expiring on my birthday in September 2022). My 5 year old son was also denied since I applied for both together but my husband is not his father and only I am on birth records . I am unclear how a person remedies this situation with CBP. It was a cold rainy night and we just wanted to get back into the US to go to our relatives house. I live in Nogales AZ but work in Nogales Sonora. If those were felony convictions, I would not like your chances. no one can provide any concrete information. I applied in 2017 for global entry and was denied, no explanation given. CBP generally likes to see the passage of time with no further negative incidents before approving or reinstating an applicant. I have sentri since 2017 its due on 2022 but I just got a DUI. How long a wait is anyones guess. My fiancee also applied this weekend and was already approved for an interview. Will that still show up? What should I do. Potentially, yes. I got home to find out it was approved then revoked 2 minutes later. My 29 year old Thai step son has has had several convictions for drinking/drugs and shoplifting and currently has an arrest warrant out for him. Do they use the same standards? I have never been in trouble since the age of 15 and have 34 years with a spot free record and I was denied. i dont have any convections or violations. If it was a felony, you may have been charged as an adult. If you had a case, which it sounds like you did, I would contact the courthouse to obtain a certified copy of the disposition/minutes. I had a DWI in 1999 that was deferred. I have clearances with the Nuclear Regulatory Commision, etc. As far as the hospital issue is concerned, you should contact the hospital directly as I do not have the expertise to answer that question. I did. I have recently applied and received residency cards from Mexico and Panama and on my way back from a trip to Panama a CBP officer looked at my passport and walked me to a room where another officer asked me questions about what i was doing on my recent trips to UK, Mexico and Panama and asked me if i was born in Yemen and how i got my US citizenship, everything seemed okay i answered all his questions he walked me out and 3 days later i get a notice that my GE has been revoked reason: You do not meet program eligibility requirements. I have heard of hundreds of cases where people who were born in countries that were on the trump travel ban or people with Muslim sounding names had their GE revoked. Pre-qualified offers are not binding. I had a misdemeanor conviction for theft less than $300 about 20 years ago. I was told to let Global Pass know that I was detained and it might be a problem each time I come in they can fix it, was given paperwork that asked if I was detained let us knowso I filed an issue as instructed.. Three months later I receive a response Global Pass revoked my GP due to immigration violations within last 10 years. Is this something I need to claim on my Global Entry Application? It was ~7yrs ago. Meaning it was dismissed with prejudice but I plead guilty would that disqualify me? I am surprised that CBP approved you in the first place. We have traveled out of the country with no issues. I was issued Pre-Check in July of 2017. All financial products, shopping products and services are presented without warranty. OR at the time of renewal does the questionnaire about crime etc. Keep in mind that corresponding with the Ombudsman is a a one-time only correspondence. Husband was denied in 2020 bcuz of his first attempt to enter the US illegally in 2006. My brother served some for smuggling people 10 years ago. The case was also sealed after one year and there was no conviction. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. I did declare this on the application however as I did have my fingerprints taken, I was on probation. We do not need to say we were arrested if the offense was for a petty misdemeanor (graffiti) as a juvenile about 20 years ago? You can use your Global Entry card through SENTRI or NEXUS lanes to expedite entry into the United States after traveling from Mexico or Canada. If possible, I would ask to talk to a supervisor. Unfortunately, customs or agricultural violations seem to stay on a persons record forever. Ten years is not an official policy. I have a conviction in 2005 for a class 3 misdemeanor assault which I fought as I did not touch anyone. My mom who is a US citizen is 79 with poor health and she doesnt have sentri. Gracias!!! If you have a misdemeanor conviction they can try to deny. Would waiting 10 years make a difference? Wet and reckless is a criminal conviction and that could result in a denial. It depends on your facts. I plead no contest to marijuana possession in 2004 2006 I was granted a Louisiana Governors Pardon Would I be wasting my money trying to get Global Entry? Will I ever be able to use my Global Entry? I have no control or opinion on processing times. To obtain a SENTRI pass complete the following steps as listed on CBP's: Log onto the CBP website at www.cbp.gov. Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant American Express Card. Should I even consider applying? Id sensed denial already, so as I was to leave, I asked, from what point on its the 10 year ban enforced, from the time I stopped being undocumented or from the moment I became undocumented (even though I had a case going)? Hello Larisa. Regardless of your age, you must have your own TTP account. I would also include a very minor customs incident into this definition as well. If the court has purged the records, you should ask for a certified index-based search of cases in the court. I would recommend obtaining certified copies of the court disposition, minutes, or transcript (different courthouses use different names for it) so you can show CBP the disposition for this incident. Not sure if its worth trying. Then, out of the blue, my membership was revoked in July, 2020. Thank you. I have a criminal record from 30 years ago. I went to the active U.S. Army in 2000, where my Army recruiter told me he would have those two charges dropped if I went into the Army. Will I be denied sentri? I was sent to secondary because my son did not activate his new sentri the official said that I have one strike, can that strike be erased? Today I got a notice saying that it has overturned the denial/revocation of your membership and was issued a pre-approval. On March 27,2014 the court granted me an expulsion. Would I be flagged for GE forever or is it worth trying this again in a few years? So frustrating. If you are in court proceedings, that may result in a conviction. I am in the TTP program with GE and it was never revoked for this arrest, however, it expires later this year. I would simply acknowledge the violation and plead that its been so long and Ive proven that there have been zero problems since then. Looking at the Global Entry website, they list much more serious offenses as reasons for denial. Have been convicted of any criminal offense or have pending criminal charges or outstanding warrants (to include driving under the influence); Have been found in violation of any customs, immigration or agriculture regulations or laws in any country; Are the subject of an ongoing investigation by any federal, state or local law enforcement agency; Do you recommend going through the process again? You should declare all criminal incidents regardless of whether they were expunged. I was denied 2 times already before they overturn the charges and dismissed the cases. Im obviously going to disclose the DUI charges when I go to renew, but do you know if this is likely to result in a denial given that its not a guilty plea or a conviction? I was recently denied Global Entry due to a 40 year old DWI conviction, 1982.. I do not believe such incidents expire on a persons record. I decided to contact the DOJ and in a phone conversation the DOJ agent stated that the DOJ only uses fingerprint records to report criminal history. My son is currently incarcerated for felony drug conviction in Wa state. The problem is that CBP knows nothing about basic customer service. I lost my drivers license for 6 months for a hit-and-run accident (no bodily injury, minor car injury) 27 years ago. THANKS for your help. This information may be different than what you see when you visit a financial institution, service provider or specific products site. Im sure my girls would pass, but what would be your thoughts on the chance I will be approved too? This came up as we are going through the immigration process for him to move to the US. You are not required to do anything. I am a mexican citizen with a current turist visa. I went to Cuba in Jan of 2019 with reason for the Cuban people however, I do not have any documentation to back this up. I applied again in 2021 and again in the denial letter it stated reasons: It does not meet the eligibility requirements of the program, but this time it has more information by saying that if I want to reconsider I must Summary of information to further clarify a record or explain an incident or arrest but I have not committed any crime. Back in 2008I was detained by CBP for driving a vehicle with an ilegal alien. Since then, Ive gained 3 degrees, work for a community college, and volunteer in my community. In any event, I submitted my application and disclosed that I had the pardon and all records were expunged. Maybe I should try to cancel and reapply? Since COVID, my mother has not been able to come to the US, she is 86 yrs. As an applicant, you bear the burden of proof. When evaluating offers, please review the financial institutions Terms and Conditions. I share your frustrations. You should be able to qualify for TXA PreCheck by applying directly to them. Fast forward 10 years I have two businesses and regularly travel international for non profit work and leisure. CBP generally likes to see the passage of time with no further negative incidents before reinstating an applicant. Good luck with the renewal. On 2018 we renewed everything ok, but months later 3 memeber of my fam move to tijuana and 3 more still living same place. I do not believe that is a criminal offense. Thank you. I have obtained a successful reinstatement in the past for someone who had an incident less than ten years earlier. In addition, I would go to the records department of the applicable courthouse. If I get the charge expunged do I still have to mention it in the interview? If this was your only law enforcement/CBP incident, you might have a good reinstatement possibility. My wife went for her interview today . Is that right? Thanks. I have never heard of anyone getting approved who had a felony conviction. I was arrested for a DUII in 2016. Can this affect me? What gives? Those whose Global Entry applications are denied have three ways to appeal: making an appointment to speak with a supervisor at a trusted traveler enrollment center (listed at globalentry.gov),. In May of this year I had a DUI arrest but as I was under the legal limit charges were never filed and the prosecutor has told my attorney that they do not plan to file charges though the statute of limitations does not expire until May of next year. My actual license is current, when I did my renewal it was current also. CBP generally likes to see the passage of time with no further negative incidents before reinstating an applicant. Months later I got an email stating that my SENTRI was revoked because such violation (Class C Mis). 3 years ago had a domestic assault case which was dismissed because it was false. You have a close association with a person with a customs violation. Do you think this will pose any issues when applying for global entry? Could Global Entry or Sentri be denied if this is on my record? We were both approved and everything seemed fine. I have GE from 2017 and was arrested for DV but ultimately got it reduced to disturbance of peace infraction. I have my expungement letter, but they GE has requested initial court documents. Im not sure if Global Entry or Sentri card will suit better for me. I understand criminal penalties often are, but Im not sure how the CBP views this, especially since they send me to secondary every time due to the protection order placed on me. I applied on September of last year and just received a denial today. I just got a dui Conduct instead of wasting money for trial and i can you get a sentri pass with a misdemeanor obtained successful... If i took a chance and ended up being denied for sentri bcuz of his first attempt to enter US! No further negative incidents before approving or reinstating an applicant or felony spoke on the application an! 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