PARTICIPATION OF MUNICIPALITIES AND OTHER POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS IN ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF MENTAL HEALTH, MENTAL RETARDATION, OR PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES. (Feb. 15, 1876. There shall be a Clerk for the District Court of each county, who shall be elected by the qualified voters and who shall hold his office for four years, subject to removal by information, or by indictment of a grand jury, and conviction of a petit jury. (1) Subject to the further provisions of this Section, the Legislature shall provide for the retirement and compensation of Justices and Judges of the Appellate Courts and District and Criminal District Courts on account of length of service, age and disability, and for their reassignment to active duty where and when needed. Sec. Commissioners may succeed themselves in office only if having served less than three (3) consecutive years. Attempts to write a new constitution for Texas: have little prospect for success in the next few years. The previous six were the 1827 Constitution of the State of Coahuila and Tejas, the 1836Constitution of the Republic of Texas,and different versions of the constitution of Texas for the years 1845, 1861, 1866, and 1869. Article Four also requires the United States to protect each state from invasion, and, at the request of a state, from "domestic violence.". When, as a result of a change of precinct boundaries, a vacancy occurs in the office of Justice of the Peace or Constable, the Commissioners Court shall fill the vacancy by appointment until the next general election. To pass requirements made by the so-called Radical Republicans in the US Congress. (b) The supreme court and the court of criminal appeals shall promulgate rules of procedure relating to the review of those questions. [3] There is no constitutional requirement that extradited fugitives be tried only for the crimes named in the extradition proceedings. Amended Aug. 11, 1891, Nov. 8, 1949, Nov. 5, 1985, and Nov. 2, 2021.) Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. In a series of opinions by the Supreme Court of the United States, referred to as the Insular Cases, the Court ruled that the territories belonged to, but were not part of the United States. This clause, sometimes referred to as the Guarantee Clause, has long been at the forefront of the debate about the rights of citizens vis--vis the government. (a) The legislature shall prescribe by law the qualifications of grand jurors and petit jurors. The change must be approved by a majority of the qualified voters of the district voting at an election called and held for that purpose. In Luther v. Borden,[19] the Court held that the determination of whether a state government is a legitimate republican form as guaranteed by the Constitution is a political question to be resolved by the Congress. The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 created the mechanism for recovering a fugitive slave, overruled any state laws giving sanctuary, made it a federal crime to assist an escaped slave, and allowed slave-catchers into every U.S. state and territory. Texas State Library and Archives Commission.The 1870s: The Constitutional Convention of 1875, Revision and Adaptation. (a) and (b) amended and (c) and (d) added Nov. 8, 1983; Subsec. In a panel of three Judges, two Judges shall constitute a quorum and the concurrence of two Judges shall be necessary for a decision. They seized the opportunity to undo the hated 1869 acts. a. An amendment is a change to the Constitution. (e) The Legislature shall also provide for the holding of District Court when the Judge thereof is absent, or is from any cause disabled or disqualified from presiding. Sec. (f) deleted, and Subsec. TRIAL BY JURY IN CIVIL CASES. Sec. [8], At the 1787 Constitutional Convention, a proposal to include the phrase, "new States shall be admitted on the same terms with the original States", was defeated. The Supreme Court and the Court of Criminal Appeals may sit at any time during the year at the seat of government or, at the court's discretion, at any other location in this state for the transaction of business, and each term of either court shall begin and end with each calendar year. (5) The Commission may hold its meetings, hearings and other proceedings at such times and places as it shall determine but shall meet at Austin at least once each year. 12. (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISION for Sec. The County Commissioners so chosen, with the County Judge as presiding officer, shall compose the County Commissioners Court, which shall exercise such powers and jurisdiction over all county business, as is conferred by this Constitution and the laws of the State, or as may be hereafter prescribed. If you would like to locate a library book, access the library catalog. Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787,, Articles of the United States Constitution, Articles with dead external links from January 2023, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 01:36. (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISIONS for Sec. (Added Nov. 6, 2001.) 28: See Appendix, Note 3.). (c) The Legislature shall provide for the holding of an election in each county proposing the creation of an Authority to be called by the Commissioners Court or Commissioners Courts, as the case may be, upon petition of five per cent (5%) of the qualified voters within the county or counties. Article Four of the United States Constitution outlines the relationship between the various states, as well as the relationship between each state and the United States federal government. (b) The membership of the board consists of the Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court who serves as chairman, the presiding judge of the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, the presiding judge of each of the administrative judicial districts of the state, the president of the Texas Judicial Council, and one person who is licensed to practice law in this state appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate for a term of four years. restrict the power of the government in order to keep any governor from being as powerful as Edmund J. Davis, who served under the Reconstruction Constitution of 1869. in Article 1 of the Constitution, demonstrating the authors' commitment to limiting the way political power is used to keep it from being abused. District Court jurisdiction consists of exclusive, appellate, and original jurisdiction of all actions, proceedings, and remedies, except in cases where exclusive, appellate, or original jurisdiction may be conferred by this Constitution or other law on some other court, tribunal, or administrative body. (f) In addition to the statewide reapportionment, the board may reapportion the judicial districts of the state as the necessity for reapportionment appears by redesignating, in one or more reapportionment orders, the county or counties that comprise the specific judicial districts affected by those reapportionment orders. (h) Any judicial reapportionment order adopted by the board must be approved by a record vote of the majority of the membership of both the senate and house of representatives before such order can become effective and binding. JURISDICTION OF COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS. The seeming ambiguity of the clause has given rise to a number of different interpretations. The elections must be held on the same day if more than one county is included. 19. The board shall complete its work on the reapportionment and file its order with the secretary of state not later than August 31 of the same year. The county or counties that may be so added to the then existing Authority shall be given representation on the Board of Directors by adding additional directors in proportion to their population according to the last preceding Federal Census. The Supreme Court and the Justices thereof shall have power to issue writs of habeas corpus, as may be prescribed by law, and under such regulations as may be prescribed by law, the said courts and the Justices thereof may issue the writs of mandamus, procedendo, certiorari and such other writs, as may be necessary to enforce its jurisdiction. Article 8 of the Texas Constitution deals with taxation and revenue. It also empowers Congress to admit new states and administer the territories and other federal lands. If the vote is favorable, then admission may be granted to such county or counties by the Board of Directors of the then existing Authority upon such terms and conditions as they may agree upon and evidenced by a resolution approved by two-thirds (2/3rds) of the then existing Board of Directors. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof. Justice of the peace courts shall have original jurisdiction in criminal matters of misdemeanor cases punishable by fine only, exclusive jurisdiction in civil matters where the amount in controversy is two hundred dollars or less, and such other jurisdiction as may be provided by law. Sec. DIRECT APPEAL FROM ORDER GRANTING OR DENYING INJUNCTION. (Feb. 15, 1876. Since the establishment of the United States in 1776, the number of states has expanded from the original 13 to 50. Amended Nov. 7, 1978, and Nov. 5, 1985.). (b) If any such district is created, it may be authorized to levy a tax not to exceed Seventy-five Cents (75) on the One Hundred Dollar ($100) valuation of taxable property within the district; provided, however, no tax may be levied until approved by a majority vote of the participating resident qualified voters. Amended Nov. 2, 1954, and Nov. 2, 1993.). (a) The Judicial Districts Board is created to reapportion the judicial districts authorized by Article V, Section 7, of this constitution. Sec. (Feb. 15, 1876. 14. The Dennison decision was overruled by Puerto Rico v. Branstad (1987); now, the federal courts may require the extradition of fugitives. County Courts in existence on the effective date of this amendment are continued unless otherwise provided by law. (b) The Supreme Court shall also have power, upon affidavit or otherwise as by the court may be determined, to ascertain such matters of fact as may be necessary to the proper exercise of its jurisdiction. In modifying any judicial district, no county having a population as large or larger than the population of the judicial district being reapportioned shall be added to the judicial district. (Added Nov. 4, 1958; Subsecs. CREATION, OPERATION, AND DISSOLUTION OF HOSPITAL DISTRICTS. Why is some risk not diversifiable? By 1875, Reconstruction was winding to a halt, and Democrats had regained power in Texas. (b) The Legislature may by law permit the County of Potter (in which the City of Amarillo is partially located) to render financial aid to that district by paying a part of the expenses of operating and maintaining the system and paying a part of the debts of the district (whether assumed or created by the district) and may authorize the levy of a tax not to exceed Ten Cents (10) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) valuation (in addition to other taxes permitted by this Constitution) upon all property within the county but without the City of Amarillo at the time such levy is made for such purposes. (13-a) The Commission may accept complaints or reports, conduct investigations, and take any other action authorized by this section with respect to a candidate for an office named in Subsection (6)(A) of this section in the same manner the Commission is authorized to take those actions with respect to a person holding that office. 14: See Appendix, Note 3. (Former Sec. Sec. (Feb. 15, 1876. Justify your answer. C. The law relating to the removal, discipline, suspension, or censure of a Justice or Judge of the courts established by this Constitution or created by the Legislature as provided in this Constitution applies to a master or magistrate appointed as provided by law to serve a trial court of this State and to a retired or former Judge who continues as a judicial officer subject to an assignment to sit on a court of this State. Article IV of the U.S. Constitution is a relatively uncontroversial section that establishes the relationship between states and their disparate laws. District Attorneys shall hold office for a term of four years, and until their successors have qualified. 14, Art. 5b. (10) All papers filed with and proceedings before the Commission or a Master shall be confidential, unless otherwise provided by law, and the filing of papers with, and the giving of testimony before the Commission or a Master shall be privileged, unless otherwise provided by law. The Legislature shall have power by General or Special Laws to make such provisions concerning the terms or sessions of each District Court as it may deem necessary. Congressional restrictions on the equality of states, even when those limitations have been found in the acts of admission, have been held void by the Supreme Court. Oregon. (2000). (a) The supreme court and the court of criminal appeals have jurisdiction to answer questions of state law certified from a federal appellate court. He shall receive as compensation for his services such fees and perquisites as may be prescribed by law. They differed from provisions in the 1827 Constitution of Coahuila y Tejas. The Legislature shall provide for transfer of title to properties to the district. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, Browse Teaching Resources for the Revolutionary Era. It also details the mechanism by which new states are permitted to enter the nation and the federal government's obligation to maintain law and order in the event of an "invasion" or other breakdown of a peaceful union. c. Why is some risk diversifiable? (TEMPORARY PROVISION for Sec. (Feb. 15, 1876. 1. The current governor is Greg Abbott, who took office in 2015. The Presiding Judge, under rules established by the court, shall convene the court en banc for the transaction of all other business and may convene the court en banc for the purpose of hearing cases. ___ that was previously declared dormant." Amended Aug. 11, 1891, Nov. 7, 1978, Nov. 4, 1980, and Nov. 5, 1985.). The motives of the governor demanding the extradition may not be questioned. (11) The Supreme Court shall by rule provide for the procedure before the Commission, Masters, review tribunal, and the Supreme Court. State constitutions exist for the purpose of: preventing the concentration of political power through a series of checks and balances. Judicial districts smaller in size than the entire county may be created subsequent to a general election where a majority of the persons voting on the proposition adopt the proposition "to allow the division of ___________ County into judicial districts composed of parts of ___________ County." A system of checks and balances prevents any one of these . Provided, that the decision of said courts shall be conclusive on all questions of fact brought before them on appeal or error. 9: See Appendix, Note 1.). (Feb. 15, 1876. Any person holding an office specified in this subsection may be suspended from office with or without pay by the Commission immediately on being indicted by a State or Federal grand jury for a felony offense or charged with a misdemeanor involving official misconduct. The Legislature shall have the power to provide by law, for an appeal direct to the Supreme Court of this State from an order of any trial court granting or denying an interlocutory or permanent injunction on the grounds of the constitutionality or unconstitutionality of any statute of this State, or on the validity or invalidity of any administrative order issued by any state agency under any statute of this State. As James Madison wrote in Federalist No. How are we doing? Sec. This provision was invoked by Colorado governor Elias M. Ammons in 1914 during the Colorado Coalfield War, as a result of which President Woodrow Wilson sent federal troops to the state.[22]. 11. It shall annually select one of its members as Chairman. DIVISION OF COUNTIES INTO PRECINCTS; JUSTICES OF THE PEACE AND CONSTABLES; COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT. (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISION for Sec. (c) When the boundaries of justice of the peace and constable precincts are changed, each Justice and Constable in office on the effective date of the change, or elected to a term of office beginning on or after the effective date of the change, shall serve in the precinct in which the person resides for the term to which each was elected or appointed, even though the change in boundaries places the person's residence outside the precinct for which he was elected or appointed, abolishes the precinct for which he was elected or appointed, or temporarily results in extra Justices or Constables serving in a precinct. No judge shall sit in any case wherein the judge may be interested, or where either of the parties may be connected with the judge, either by affinity or consanguinity, within such a degree as may be prescribed by law, or when the judge shall have been counsel in the case. reference to the US were replaced with references to the Confederacy. In Corfield v. Coryell, 6 F. Cas. The Guarantee Clause mandates that United States guarantee that all states have a "republican form of government," though it does not define this term. Within 90 days after the date on which the record is filed with the review tribunal, it shall order public censure, retirement or removal, as it finds just and proper, or wholly reject the recommendation. The property of state regulated common carriers required by law to pay a tax upon intangible assets shall not be subject to taxation by the Authority. (b) amended Nov. 2, 2021.) Prosecutions may be commenced in said court by information filed by the county attorney, or by affidavit, as may be provided by law. Any person holding an office named in Paragraph A of this subsection who is eligible for retirement benefits under the laws of this state providing for judicial retirement may be involuntarily retired, and any person holding an office named in that paragraph who is not eligible for retirement benefits under such laws may be removed from office, for disability seriously interfering with the performance of his duties, which is, or is likely to become, permanent in nature. Sec. The Legislative Reference Library has a constitutional amendment search and the Texas Legislative Council offers a table of constitutional amendments since 1876 [PDF]. The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence. The Legislature may establish such other courts as it may deem necessary and prescribe the jurisdiction and organization thereof, and may conform the jurisdiction of the district and other inferior courts thereto. (c) Should the Legislature enact enabling laws in anticipation of the adoption of this amendment, such Acts shall not be invalid because of their anticipatory character. To be eligible for appointment or election as a district judge, a person must: (1) be a citizen of the United States and a resident of this State; (2) be licensed to practice law in this State; (3) have been a practicing lawyer or a Judge of a Court in this State, or both combined, for eight years next preceding the judge's election, during which time the judge's license to practice law has not been revoked, suspended, or subject to a probated suspension; (4) have resided in the district in which the judge was elected for two years next preceding the election; and. Proceedings shall be by majority vote of those present, except that recommendations for retirement, censure, suspension, or removal of any person holding an office named in Paragraph A of Subsection (6) of this Section shall be by affirmative vote of at least seven (7) members. This clause was added to the clause that provided extradition for fugitives from justice.[4]. Section Four requires the United States to protect each state from invasion, and, upon the application of the state legislature (or executive, if the legislature cannot be convened), from domestic violence. (Added Nov. 6, 1962; amended Nov. 2, 1999.) (d) The Legislature shall provide for the appointment by the Board of Directors of an Assessor and Collector of Taxes in the Authority, whether constituted of one or more counties, whose duty it shall be to assess all taxable property, both real and personal, and collect the taxes thereon, based upon the tax rolls approved by the Board of Directors, the tax to be levied not to exceed Seventy-Five Cents (75) per One Hundred Dollars ($100) assessed valuation of the property. (g) (Redesignated as Subsec. (a) The State shall be divided into judicial districts, with each district having one or more Judges as may be provided by law or by this Constitution. 6: See Appendix, Note 1.). (3) The regular term of office of Commissioners shall be six (6) years; but the initial members of each of classes (i), (ii) and (iii) shall respectively be chosen for terms of four (4) and six (6) years, and the initial members of class (iiii) for respective terms of two (2), four (4) and six (6) years. The County Judge is the presiding officer of the County Court and has judicial functions as provided by law. (b) An indictment is a written instrument presented to a court by a grand jury charging a person with the commission of an offense. 3-c. Sec. DISQUALIFICATION OF JUDGES; EXCHANGE OF DISTRICTS; HOLDING COURT FOR OTHER JUDGES. 8: See Appendix, Note 1.). New states may be admitted by the Congress into this union; but no new states shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the Congress. In addition, the Court of Criminal Appeals may, on its own motion, review a decision of a Court of Appeals in a criminal case as provided by law. 14. Amended Aug. 11, 1891, Nov. 4, 1930, Nov. 4, 1980, and Nov. 6, 2001.) If you have any trouble with our navigation menu, we recommend you use our site map for navigation. (b) Each of said Courts of Appeals shall hold its sessions at a place in its district to be designated by the Legislature, and at such time as may be prescribed by law. Provided, however, that no district shall be created by special law except after thirty (30) days' public notice to the district affected, and in no event may the Legislature provide for a district to be created without the affirmative vote of a majority of the qualified voters in the district concerned. 9. The Extradition Clause requires that fugitives from justice be extradited on the demand of executive authority of the state from which they flee. (d) The reapportionment powers of the board shall be exercised in the interims between regular sessions of the legislature, except that a reapportionment may not be ordered by the board during an interim immediately following a regular session of the legislature in which a valid and subsisting statewide apportionment of judicial districts is enacted by the legislature. Under the equal footing doctrine, however, Texas was found not to have control over the three-mile belt after admission into the Union, because the original states did not at the time of joining the union control such waters. (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISION for Sec. 10, "Hence it is that such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.". Article II of the Texas Constitution consists of only a single section, with fewer than 100 words. Sec. AUTHORITY OF COASTAL COUNTIES TO REGULATE MOTOR VEHICLES AND LITTERING ON BEACHES. Alabama is, therefore, entitled to the sovereignty and jurisdiction over all the territory within her limits to maintain any other doctrine, is to deny that Alabama has been admitted into the union on an equal footing with the original states to Alabama belong the navigable waters and soils under them. Sec. License: CC BY: Attribution. A Justice, Judge, Master, or Magistrate may appeal a decision of the review tribunal to the Supreme Court under the substantial evidence rule. [17] By ensuring that all states must have the same basic republican philosophy, the Guarantee Clause is one of several portions of the Constitution which mandates symmetric federalism between the states. 2. (a) A vacancy in the office of Chief Justice, Justice, or Judge of the Supreme Court, the Court of Criminal Appeals, the Court of Appeals, or the District Courts shall be filled by the Governor until the next succeeding General Election for state officers, and at that election the voters shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired term. The Full Faith and Credit Clause requires states to extend "full faith and credit" to the public acts, records and court proceedings of other states. Any person holding such office may be disciplined or censured, in lieu of removal from office, as provided by this section. (4) Commissioners shall receive no compensation for their services as such. 18: See Appendix, Note 3.). Understand the Constitution of 1876s role in Texas, Legislative sessions moved from annual to biennial sessions, State Judges would be elected by the people, The people would vote on the ratification of amendments, The structure of the current constitution of Texas (Constitution of 1876) is a Preamble, 17 Articles, and 491 Amendments (Since 2015), The project includes digitized images and searchable text versions of. The Legislature may by general or special law provide for the creation, establishment, maintenance and operation of hospital districts composed of one or more counties or all or any part of one or more counties with power to issue bonds for the purchase, construction, acquisition, repair or renovation of buildings and improvements and equipping same, for hospital purposes; providing for the transfer to the hospital district of the title to any land, buildings, improvements and equipment located wholly within the district which may be jointly or separately owned by any city, town or county, providing that any district so created shall assume full responsibility for providing medical and hospital care for its needy inhabitants and assume the outstanding indebtedness incurred by cities, towns and counties for hospital purposes prior to the creation of the district, if same are located wholly within its boundaries, and a pro rata portion of such indebtedness based upon the then last approved tax assessment rolls of the included cities, towns and counties if less than all the territory thereof is included within the district boundaries; providing that after its creation no other municipality or political subdivision shall have the power to levy taxes or issue bonds or other obligations for hospital purposes or for providing medical care within the boundaries of the district; providing for the levy of annual taxes at a rate not to exceed seventy-five cents (75) on the One Hundred Dollar valuation of all taxable property within such district for the purpose of meeting the requirements of the district's bonds, the indebtedness assumed by it and its maintenance and operating expenses, providing that such district shall not be created or such tax authorized unless approved by a majority of the qualified voters thereof voting at an election called for the purpose; and providing further that the support and maintenance of the district's hospital system shall never become a charge against or obligation of the State of Texas nor shall any direct appropriation be made by the Legislature for the construction, maintenance or improvement of any of the facilities of such district. RETIREMENT, COMPENSATION, DISCIPLINE, AND REMOVAL OF JUSTICES AND JUDGES; STATE COMMISSION ON JUDICIAL CONDUCT. [7] With the growth of states' rights advocacy during the antebellum period, the Supreme Court asserted, in Lessee of Pollard v. Hagan (1845),[9] that the Constitution mandated admission of new states on the basis of equality.[10]. JURISDICTION OF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS; EX OFFICIO NOTARIES PUBLIC. JUDICIAL DISTRICTS BOARD; REAPPORTIONMENT OF JUDICIAL DISTRICTS. (b) Each district judge shall be elected by the qualified voters at a General Election. 3. When, pending the trial of any case, one or more jurors not exceeding three, may die, or be disabled from sitting, the remainder of the jury shall have the power to render the verdict; provided, that the Legislature may change or modify the rule authorizing less than the whole number of the jury to render a verdict. 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