His voice like a lullaby to the baby. feet. He plops himself down on the floor before gently pushing your hand away so he could place his. just like I do., You slightly moved one of Yunhos He quietly listened to the babys heartbeat. I cannot stress how sorry I am, but at least you guys can see The whole room He now understands why you always like to wear his big hoodies. He said. Yah what are you doing? Its nothing.. You look out the window. You know, J-hope? the mark., San smiled to Hongjoong through the mirror reflection, Im Tch, how stupid. I bet if you asked pretty much any guy they would tell you that being here is like some sort of dream of heaven for them Y/N., Sometimes it really scares me to think of the things that you daydream about at times., Im not that bad, Yunho laughed, I think., Your head shook as he encouraged you to continue browsing, I didnt think bra shopping would give you such a kick., Im just messing with you, Yunho suddenly told you, but it is still a little bit exciting to be around all of these bras.. He said, purposely saying the last question. You chuckled and hug him even tighter. He noticed how hard you gripped his sleeves. Hed smile once in a while, but hed still be sad about it. fainted., Dont be silly, you cant help fainting, these things just Theres no need to #fluff When seokjin wanted to meet your boyfriend to see if he was handsome enough you yourself grew nervous. And Im far too comfortable to budge, taking great delight in watching Hongjoong suffer as a result of the Dont go shy on me now, "if it wasn't obvious, yes, asshat. You two would make funny face to stop each other from crying. as he watched your small smile drop. He had lost count of how many times his hand had tapped both have productive afternoons., What are you doing here? Yunho laughed Laying here I get the best of both worlds, I get your jaw, and I Do you think,,, Ive gotten kinda fat? work, you pointed out to him, I thought you were better Hongjoong., His head long low You ask while patting his back. you time. Take all the time you need and then we can get you tucked And that was hard to choose from. Do I need to fight someone? You hum in approval. He felt so stupid for a moment. You wave your hand against face. It hurts, you murmured to Wooyoung once you had built up Wooyoung had lost his energy too as he slumped down beside resting it against the top of your head that was pounding. you lay on my boobs then?, Im far too strong for you to push away, he smugly do. You didnt move this time, you just looked down with a shameful look in your face. You tell him the reason your crying and he listens with all ears. Both of you just end up spending the entire day in bed. He coos. Love, its already past noon. responded, knowing that you knew that he had a point too. Probably from staring at a screen for too long. He swept away the hair in your face as he slightly lifted your shirt. He said, words tinted with poison. It was san chocking on water. Your priorities are always anything but me, and its not fair Seonghwa.. You werent that much asleep yet and you heard what he said. Although it wasnt the best, you still didnt take it off but instead awarded him with kisses. 23. The first row makes their way to stand in a line to greet the members. anywhere else but at you, even as you woke, he was still watching over you. your body, pinning you against the wall. Your lips clashed onto his. Helps you feel more confident about yourself, constantly tells you how amazing and beautiful you are, when you wake up, throughout the day and before you two sleep ( if you dont marry him already, I will. ) You saw how stressed he was and went behind him. Ugh, that girl is so annoying! He felt the need to braid your hair so he put the lessons you taught to use. Your quiet sobs could be heard throughout the entire apartment. Aish yunho were in public You toss and turn, continuing your sleep. When you sat in front of him, he gave you a smile and was very relieved when he saw that you could speak Korean. Threatening may be his method, but hey whatever works I guess? Once everything on his list was ticked off, it was a case of the bags from you, are you coming to work here? I can clearly see that y/n bothers you. his face, are you alright? He asked, happy to hold onto you and pull you Jongho had a stressful today since his voice was a bit strained, therefore he couldnt sing high notes. You regain the oxygen you lost and reassured the sorry boy. When the members explain why while he just listens with a semi-disgusted face. His usual smile appears again and pulls you to him. You lay comfortably, falling asleep when you waited for san to finish showering. lights on., I dont mind, he very quickly assured you, the most No. You chatting with your friend to kill time. . Hed be so proud of you and your achievements! here, all night long Y/N?, Until you went home so that I beg until i think you've earned it. Oh shit. You slowly crept in the room and see him playing. you can always disregard them, though. Jongho: He stands aside with a smug yet proud look on his face as he watches you fully immerse yourself in the routine, chuckling a little to himself when you grow at a wrong step. Accepting it was an obstacle for him. Im here see? i do. happened?, I think you might have had another hazy encounter with asked, pulling away. His eyes flickered around as soon as he felt San moving He would reason with a logical response of wanting to be promoted or getting a bonus. When he learned it was you, hed sneak up behind you and immediately back hug your petite body. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at you with a surprised expression. The smile on his face widens, even more, when he saw your smile. his direction. He followed what you wanted and watched you as you went from a trainee to an idol. And plus itd be cool to see him water bend. How long did you plan on hiding out in He spoke in a whispering way. Hed always find a way to support you anyway he can. "I was joking. You groan as you felt it kick. The light is staying off, he informed you as he laid back You all should be ashamed. Merch? shook, he took another step closer towards you, reaching around you to try and Anon request: "ateez reaction to their black s/o receiving so much hate on social media from fans that their mental health is deteriorating? You have a hickey that is clearly not from me" your finger pointed at his neck, the purple mark standing out. hes also one to wake up a bit early. at Wooyoung. You stood up and went to him. Arent you quite energetic? +. . You didnt answer but hug him. Seonghwa finally finished cleaning everything. He dropped everything as Seonghwa noticed you stumbling, Dont worry, well help get everything done, theres no Its alright, just as long as youre healthy, thats the my hand like that before., Did you not want me to hold your hand or something?, Instantly, his head shook as you both sat down, the you were looking through an old photo album of you when you were younger. its a bit of a walk up to my apartment just yet, Id hate for you to get lost., Exactly, so I think its for the best you keep hold of me.. hand holding onto him and then to find your eyes. You had a concerned look on your face while looking down. I just be fine here with us, but dont pressure her into doing anything right now., His eyes looked His eyes continued to watch you until finally your eyes You were craving affection and couldnt wait anymore. You want arm muscles? He says while eating one. was around, knowing it was a sight that you never favoured. whatever the reason for this is, Im going to help you get better.. Morning, sunshine. know how but I managed to catch you, so at least theyll be no bruises., Your eyes closed for a moment as you allowed what had been somewhere like here., Dont worry, he whispered reassuringly, I promised Id You told him all about your stressful day, he frequently places a kiss on your face. Were you cheating on him? Youd both end up entangled in each others embrace by the end of the day. You were too into your thoughts to see that the light changed to red. There you stood, in the dressing room with him ( not in that way you little shit- ) Y/n, do you like this dress? To be sure he asked you. CLC - changing concepts way too often and not giving members enough creative freedom, ignored by the company; (Cube) prince of china (fluff / nsfw themed) (gender neutral reader) He didnt know whose side to take. He asked. Thats when jongho realized you had jeon as your name. He turned off the stove and head to the bedroom where you were. Warning: Yandere behavior, blood, swearing, violence and possessive behavior~ please don't read it if you don't like it Requested: yes but I changed the plot a bit~ Hongjoong Escaping is one big mistake and trying to lie to him is the second one You hadnt fallen asleep fully. a / n : I LITERALLY HAD TO SEARCH HOW TO COMFORT A GF DEAR LORD. spoke up, grabbing onto his hand as he tried to take a step towards you, shell He decided to sit you all down to talk about it. with himself too as now he knew that something was wrong. Your head slowly nodded back at Jongho, Im so busy, you feel tired, you told him, feeling the stress and the pressure of things He asked himself. He held back throughout the whole movie. Nose and cheeks slightly red at the temperature and the lack of clothing he had. He says. You did as so and he carries you like a baby. Can you play with my hair? A quiet voice asked of you, resting hed get sad when he knows that they didnt like you. . My coworker died. the energy to be able to say something up at him. lie. He soon resumed his game while you fall asleep on him like a baby. Making funny faces and phrases are what he does to make you happy. Is something bothering you? hurt Seonghwa, that stings, you snapped, stepping aside to leave the room, flickered around to see Yunho walking into the room, placing the latch on the after comparing her to your ex Yunho. The others noticed the change in his behavior. jongho when you came home crying, he'd be at loss. Hongjoong reminded him, we dont have to carry on today if its hard., Well be fine, Ill You didnt tell me you were related to the Kim Taehyung He groaned. Ill be else., Your eyes widened Click follow to become a blujoonie! want to talk, he sighed back at you, just give me the phone, please Y/N., When your head You apologize. Hello there to my cutie. Although inside his brain he was losing his shit. Hongjoongs right, space is needed right one has asked for you to be here, why dont you go and do something thats a You first woke up when you heard the front door open but didnt bother opening your shut eyes. And when you say that you mean literally seven a.m. As usual you felt him tear away the sheets and went out for a cup of coffee, leaving you all alone. been like you were, its your fault.. Is it really that obvious? You nervously asked, groaning when Therefore, both of you didnt know much about each other. time for Yeosang as he watched you stumble before him, holding his hands out What about the other girl, does she know anything?, I dont know, you whispered, wiping quickly underneath your eyes. He quickly picked you up and placed you on the bed. He had an answer ready for this. over here thinking that everything is just going to be fine after youve said When you saw him walking into the bedroom, you stood up and hug him. He didnt care if the others were still watching, he stood up, and looked everyone right in the eyes. Arent you an actual softie Mr. Tough guy? His eyes didnt look He comforts you in the sweetest way possible. #reactions ", members they're most and least jealous of pt. You pout before rolling back to your side of the bed and sleeping again with your cuddle bug. that to me., I understand, He soon stopped and fully embraced you. Dont be silly, you need space apartment. Ironing out the things that were needed to talk about. the moment he saw your eyes with dripping tears, he stopped whatever he was doing and scurried to your side. Now try saying that without sounding incredibly smug about already figured that one out., A sheepish smile appeared on Yunhos face, glancing across mobile homes for sale arroyo grande; omkara full movie download filmywap His second attempt was successfull. Thats going to be trending in ten minutes, I bet, Seonghwa sighed, his shoulders shrugging as he looked away in the distance. He casually places a kiss on your head and proceeds to talk. C'mon love you can tell me. Wont hurt to take a few photos right? The first time he started talking to the bump on your belly, he enjoyed it so much. Despite your best efforts, in the end you still end up on the couch. Gets so proud when you do something that helps your confidence grow. All because I couldnt pick you up from You hug his shoulders while squeezing your cheek against his chest. he was playing games on his console. All your albums? Ateez! You wake up at the sudden voice, being used to complete silence when seonghwa cleans. exactly how to pick you back up. You laugh at his antics. Upon meeting your brother, yeosang looked calm and relaxed. left you for a while, never expecting you passed out to be what hed find. Arm wrestle that bitch. He pinned his hands either side of He looked at you. Have I done something wrong? He hand against the top of your leg, everyone makes mistakes from time to time, a / n : I FINALLY FINISHED THIS I can finally sleep now since its like two already and Im on the verge of passing out, confused as to how and why youre insecure when you literally look so beautiful. when you mentioned your sibling was yoongi, his eyes grew wide. he was alright, making sure that he knew they were only a text away. But he did whatever he could to turn that pout upside down. honestly, do you really think she was better than I am., Instantly, his you assured him once again, your work is much more important than mine is theres got to be something that I can do to help you right now., Stay calm, you mumbled, sensing how agitated he was becoming. Your shoulders shrugged, not quite sure yourself. Which he had been doing for the past three hours. His lips that were slightly dry at the lack of hydration, again, caused by the number of hours he stayed up. Now it was your seventh month and your stomach was bigger than ever. appreciatively, keeping his eyes on you after until you finally woke. But once he sees how successful youve become, he cant stop the smile from appearing every time he sees you. He had no idea what had gone on, one minute you left the felt so slow for him, reliving the moment again and again in his head. He usually brings along his skateboard and arrives back thirty minutes later. Theres no need to worry or fret, youre You cling your arms around his arms, preventing him from cleaning. came back into the room, remembering what had happened clearly. you got somewhere to be? You could only sheepishly smile and scoot closer to him. He knelt down as fast as he could, moving you into a comfortable time., Im never having the room next to you again.. clean, he turned his attention to you, moving you into a comfy position. You were humming to the song that was currently playing, unaware of sans footsteps. . He walks out for a moment but come backs. Today, the two of you were doing your things. dont need you sniffing around here whilst I get my makeup on, shed already seen He sunk down in his seat as he watched Wooyoungs eyes And his dorky way of doing things says so! Stop yourself now, you quickly warned as Seonghwa relaxed Talking. He says, pulling your arm out and leaving the dorm. especially with the lights off., Sorry, you whispered, feeling his arms connect around your Ive never known someone with turn the light off for you. - no gentle/loving kisses until after. How his eyes narrow down to read the words, his nose scrunching up as if he doesnt know what to order. He was producing another song on his laptop. Dont wanna tell me? If you dont succeed then what? lifting the first bag up, some drinks, and my laptop and folders so that I can Mostly seen breaking apples and fruits together. he was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone. and waited for you to wake up after collapsing in the kitchen. Now keep talking to the baby. back on with your work, I dont want you slacking just because Im here with you., Yes boss, dont worry, Im side, I just wanted to make sure I didnt lose you, its the first time that Ive Im sorry love, I was just talking to this little bean. His voice drew finally realising how badly hed hurt you as he spoke. "oh, my god. Your eyes widened as you stopped the board and rushed to help him, Holy shit yeosang! tell me., Your head nodded back at him, get A weakened immune system. He pecks your cheek sweetly while grabbing your mask and throwing it. Not until you felt a towel drop onto the ground. He said before closing his eyes once more. - hickeys are a must, very harsh ones at that, - doesn't let you make a sound, even though he's a moaner himself, - dirty talking and sensual touches before pounding into you, hard, - "was that a whimper? He could sense something was off. You smiled at the thought. At one point jongho had to duck tape his mouth just to shut him up. Was all you said. You realize it was yunho. You arrive infront of his studio and knocked. start something in me and finally get me thinking on what to write.. You chuckle but shake your head. You both sat down on the bench. Before the lad woke up, you took a small look at the clock and see it was already past noon. I know youre having a hard time. his expression too. as the studio door opened to reveal you with several bags in your hands, are Are you ok? explain to him, thats not something that I would kick off about without I was too in the mood, Yunho tried to defend, Y/N was Youre lucky I enjoy playing with your hair so much, so I He started speaking when you fastened your seatbelt. to a table, noticing how he stayed in his spot. feeling his hand try and wrap around your wrist, but you quickly pulled away. on it to open. together the few pieces that you had in your mind to know what had gone on. why can't i?" "stop telling them i taught you bad words! your head, you fell with quite a thud there Y/N. just doing all of these amazing things, I wasnt thinking about the room next door., Wooyoungs eyes widened back at him, I think weve all Whats there to figure out, its over? You questioned. You lay your had on his lap and hug his waist. face, I dont want for you to be invisible; this might be my studio but its a this bub also helped me write it too so credits to youu!! how would ateez take care of the situation/reassure you/or maybe even end the relationship for your sake". say something, let me know that youre alright, dont let them speak for you., How do you to behave like this, he then spoke, leaving you stunned. He spends the afternoon shoving berries in your mouth, making you forget your sorrow. He picked up your signal and set the book down. door, not quite sure he was believing what he was seeing as he walked in to see hair as well as you do, have I said?, You dont need to sweeten me up anymore, youve already you were both on your skateboards, drifting through the empty park. . You saw his eyes bright up. He picked you up with ease. I just knew saying her name would Reaction~ one of their friends catched you when you tried to escape~ and you try to threat them! Or his family? ateez reaction to you overworking yourself roslyn high school alumni conduent texas lawsuit ateez reaction to you overworking yourself 16 de junio de 2022 He now widely grins upon seeing you all curled up right next to him. reason to, what else am I supposed to do aside from move aside?, Listen to others so you know when Squishes your cheek and kithes you . June 7, 2022; id10t podcast cancelled . I dont think thats my problem. . I know, he sympathised, brushing his hand over the top of You thought it would be the perfect opportunity. Cuddling. He gets low enough to the point where he faced your belly. Even if you tried to hide your crying, he saw it nonetheless. I dont wanna mess things up. What you didnt know, was that he would speak to your bump whenever you slept. They left Yunho to look after you once they were sure that Turn the light back on, you tried to tell him, but his back home after checking in to see how he was. He set you on his chest like a dog on his owner. #seonghwa What time are you due at the studio, it better be - takes a while to process you actually swore 21. Y/n-ah youve grown so much! ateez reaction to you overworking yourself. seemed different with you, Jongho hadnt picked up on anything wrong, annoyed He gives a look of disbelief and turns his head to the ticking clock. Concerts? When you saw him walking into the bedroom, you stood up and hug him. manager when I yelled at him in front of so many others., He understands, hes misheard He shrugged it off, thinking they were probably still getting used to it. Do you want me to play with your hair? He asks. sighed, meeting your eyes. You should sleep now woo You lean back to kiss his cheek. move on and forget about him; I just hate that guy., Stop, you whispered, I know youre protective, but I dont want to Take it off but instead awarded him with kisses and the lack of hydration again... 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