Is Min. The Annunaki did not create man from nothing. (An electron-volt is the amount of energy released when an electron is accelerated.) Adam also means "made of dark red earth" and "made of blood". Dropping by to say, "Hi!" What does it mean for Adam to have been made as the Image of God? Min. 1667, John Milton, " Book VII . Will you say it environmental factors. Why Did God Create Plant Life before the Sun? The man called Adam was created when God "formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" (Genesis 2:7). In the long term, inbreeding causes limits in physical . Then, after the flood, when Noah disembarked from the Ark, God again gave the decree to fill the earth. Again, with this decree, we can be assured that the Creator activated the proper DNA, optimizing skin pigment variation. (3) Neanderthal had a ruddy/rosy complexion. Today, approximately one percent of the world population has red hair. Among these descriptions,the Assyrian encyclopedia is a rich source of information on the genesis of the world and on the creation of man according to Sumer. In the Sumerian tradition, Homo sapiens has been created by mixing the blood of a god with terrestrial clay. The primitive worker is a Lulu, the one who has been mixed. The word Adam means the one from Earth. Genesis 1:2 backs up to the earliest stage in God's creation of the . How then will you explain the fact the two different people live in the same environment have different skin colours even after several years living in that environment. They are indeed among the Arabs of today. Result, angels have been unable to cultivate the land and raise livestock. It is the common Jewish and Christian exegesis that fails to take well enough account of the original context of the Biblical verse. American blacks are not Africans meaning Egyptians, Ethiopians, etc but they are Hebrews meaning of Judah. He says that the Arabs used to call the non-Arabs such as the Romans and the Persians and their neighbors, The Red People. ????? [r.] w. scott. This is the Hebrew word for "man". 7. (1) The speaker meant that his color is like that of the slaves who were captured from the Christians of Syria, Rome, and Persia. Spiritual darkness is the state of a person who is living apart from God. However we do know that adam was created from earth making him a dark/brown complexion. That is why evolutionists publish that the Neanderthals are closely related to Europeans and not Africans. he had a light black complexion, because his grandmother was a black Ethiopian and he get his black complexion from her. . Again I don't think so, but I would say it is a dark brown. Therefore, Adam . Read a kjv bible and you will learn that Ham had four sons. He is the first prophet and is mentioned in most major religions. Before sin are bodies already possessed all the necessary vitamins it neededplaced within us by the almighty already! And he was ((BROWN)) with goodly eyes, and well favoured in sight. You are crazy if you think I will ever believe that Adam was a white man. Rizq which is the 8th Planet in the 19th Galaxy Illyuwn . The author of Al Tahdheeb is Masud ibn Umar Saad Al Deen Al Taftaazaani, the well-known Arab linguist who lived during the same time as Ibn Mandour. I asked him was he Arab. The term black is used today for people who are not black at all. You wont go wrong, Adam was pure one colour black, why do whites always want to cheat on people with those fake images. It means that all people on earth really are descended from a single source population, which we believe was at Babel. For Anton Parks, -DAM means "animals" in Sumerian. Among the trends that al-Baghddi discusses is one he labels ullya, incarnationists, because these Muslim thinkers understood the Quran to describe Allah incarnating within the body of Adam. Really? Gen 2:12 And the gold of that land is good; bdellium and onyx stone are there. The Yorubas, for instance, may say dudu for a particularly dark complexion (like olives) and pupa for fair-complexion( like palm-oil). Season 3 of Netflix's Dark had many tales to follow given its sprawling . The name Adama, in the Akkadian tongue, which is a dialect of Cuneiform means, Earthling upon each reconstruction and replenishing of the planet Earth. A fast-riding name in the USA, Adam is a name that originated from Greek mythology and means 'bearers of the heaven'. Gen 2:14 And the name of the third river is the Tigris, which flows east of Assyria. And there is Adam story in Quraan and how god made the life". True. culled from the Hopefully this will help. Babel is at 32 degrees latitude, midway between the equator and livable north. As we said in our blog skin color is an important variable in the processing of vitamin D. Thank you for your very good question. Gen 2:7 then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. 1. of a red color; red, or reddish; as, a ruddy sky; a ruddy flame. White people were the product of a mutation that resulted in the black Adam and black Eve giving birth to a white albino. Adam Was Not Deceived - Part 1 - Vagrant Writer - Read the Article! Despite this, articles began cropping up saying everything from 3% to 30%!!! Since in the past the term white was used for a person whose complexion was like a black person today, one must wonder what it is that the Arabs of the past called people who were white in the sense that the word is used today. Adam formed from dust and Eve formed from Adams rib. (4 in total) Bottom line, 1) We are not as close as you (or so many articles), suggest to Neanderthals based on these studies. quotations . It is important to point out that one Neanderthal fossil was found in Italy and the other found in Spain, leading us to suppose they were not closely related. The Annuna of Ki were in dire need of manpower to terraformThis word comes from science-fiction and means to transform a wild planet to make it similar to the Earth this planet, one of their latest conquest, which they could use legally at will thanks to an agreement with a sort of intergalactic guild. WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for the third and final season of Netflix's Dark, streaming now. This site uses cookies to help personalize content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. 1. NOW, IF YOU GOOGLE RED COWS AND CLICK ON IMAGES, YOU WOULD SEE BROWN COWS NOT RED COWS. Search for more names by meaning However, he was imprisoned for millennia by the Wizard after he misused his powers. Do you see the conflict there? There three different incidents that happened concerning Adam. And the gods were hungry, their reserves were exhausted. No disrespect allowed. Adam is from Hebrew origin,meaning is earth; man,createdby god .According to Gensis Adam was the first man ,the progenitor of the human race, created by God. And the KJV 1611 say he was ((Ruddy)) and it so happen that in a lot of bible dictionaries they define Ruddy- A red or ((FAIR COMPLEXION)) in contrast to the dark skin of the Hebrews. Adam is not a name like Bill or George, it's more like a world wide species of people that could not tell right from wrong. Asher. I came across this chain out of interest for the name also. Light to dark. they were more ruddy in body than rubies. ?, AHDAM. If Neanderthal was pre flood man then why dont sub Saharan Africans have Neanderthal dna? White to the Arabs means that a person is pure, without any faults. Dr. Wesley can be reached at drwesleymuhammad @ The first, in Genesis 1:26-31, shows the couple and their relationship with God and the rest of creation. NOW, LETS CHECK OUT THE DEFINITION OF BROWN: Websters Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913). And when your Lord said to the angels, See I am creating a man of dry ringing clay, of black mud wrought into shape. It is a known fact that Saeed Ibn Misjah was black-skinned. Made of Dark Red Earth. In Romans 5 there is an emphasis on the singularity of the one man (Romans 5:12, 15, 17, 18, 19) as there is in 1 Corinthians 15:45 where again Paul states that Adam was " the first man.". First the Anounna wanted to domesticate Homo erectus or other humanoid. But their intelligence is that of an ox. Means from the earth. Unfortunately many Jewish scholars translate the word incorrectly. A user from Utah, U.S. says the name Adam means "1st man on earth". Im thinking it may be a good possibility there was some in the mix. the female and young male are dull brown mixed with blackish on the back; grayish below. Black and green were used interchangeably. Websters Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913). It may not display this or other websites correctly. However, when the Arabs of the past described a persons complexion as yellow, they didnt mean a light complexion at all. Awlaadberry said: The term adam means black-skinned. Posted by fardawsa at . pre-flood man). ????????? The beginning of mankind came from Africa. We are about loving, encouraging, embracing, teaching, and building with black people. Shams Al Deen Mohamed ibn Ahmed ibn Othman Al Dhahabi, a well-known historian also of the 13th century, says in his famous book Siyar Aalaam Al Nubalaa, When the Arabs say that a person is white, they mean that he is black with a light-brownish undertone. Nevertheless, we have been fearfully and wonderfully made and despite all of the corruption that has entered the creation, God is still in charge and the variations in our hair, skin, eyes, etc. Some books to feed your soul, indispensable bedside books. It was the reign of Hathor, the Great Goddess Pachamama who imposed matriarchy to the whole wide world. Then after Babel, the darker complexioned people migrated to the areas where they felt the most comfortable. The name "Adam" (Hebrew: ) was linked with the triliteral root ( 'ADM ), meaning "red", or the red earth-clod. We at Genesis and Genetics have concluded that Neanderthal is, in fact, antediluvian man (i.e. ???? Thanks for you are doing at Genesis and genetics. Everything is volunteer, everything is free. You must log in or register to reply here. Sorry to break the news to you. White people are not a result of a black Adam and black Eve having albino children and then by natural processes, due to climate, having almost all melanin in their genes eventually breaded out. The Torah explains the name. Mankind did NOT start out as white-skinned people. Wallace. The Hebrew prudishness made the difference, while the Greeks, for their part, have understood the essence of the problem, resulting in a perverse and fornicating Zeus. These replicas of Neanderthal generally have red hair and rosy complexions. If you truly believe that Black is better then you have obviously missed the whole point in the Bible. ), an american duck (erismatura rubida) having a broad bill and a wedge-shaped tail composed of stiff, sharp feathers. -1. How do I know this? Genesis 1 uses seven words to describe the good chaos with which God began his creation. The first one was what happened when Adam was in heaven, the second was when he was in paradise and the third happened when Adam was . See ya learn something new Everyday! Im sure there was the correct amount based on the environment that God put them in. It is unlikely that Adam and Eve would have been this dark, and as in the case with red hair, it is . The root of the Hebrew word is "adam" and means "of a ruddy complexion, to show blood in the face, to blush;" a word obviously not applicable to the dark races, which we also know from scientific facts to be much older than the "blushing" white race. This is why God forbade Israel from bowing down before images made by man (Exodus 20:1-7). Genetics are like statistics; one can use them selectively to prove their point. In Hebrew language, the earth, as in soil is adamah. 2) Cro-M was a special creation about 75K to 125K years ago who did advanced art, religion and music. . To serve them, the Annuna gods have created an inferior species. As for the word Adam, most likely the best explanation comes from the Arabic definition, which states that Adam means "Black" and the Quran states that Adam was created from "Black" mud or clay. When the Arabs described another Arab as black-skinned, they were only expressing the fact that the person was so dark-skinned that he/she was black, a color much darker than the color of most so-called African Americans and also a color much darker than the color of most so-called Africans. However, the word Adam At some point Allah separated the people. The pickup's tire ruptures, swerving head-on to the opposite lane. There are theories with a small "t" and theories with a capital "T." For the last two decades the concept that most stuff in the universe comes in an invisible form called Dark Matter has grown . Click below for original in Arabic. ???? The etymological link between the word adamah and the word adam is used to reinforce the teleological link between humankind and the ground, emphasising both the way in which man was created to cultivate the world, and how he originated from the "dust of the ground". ???? I wonder when and how the meaning of the term became lost. Surely We created man of dry ringing clay Of black mud wrought into shape. He was given the name of the substance of which he was made. November 24, 2011 - Creation For Sumer. We also believe that at the time of the flood, the Creator required the human genome to express the various pigments. Season 3 of Netflix's Dark reveals the tragic ordeal that Jonas went through when he turns from the hopeful Stranger to the evil Adam. 1. Adam and eve were of a ruddy comparison being made from dirt just as Solomon. The probability of finding two unrelated ruddy Neanderthals would be 1 in 10,000. Adams hair color and skin complexion have been a great mystery, but we are getting closer to the answer. That may sound like only men were created in God's image. Interestingly, many soils are reddish in color due to their iron content. The term ('adam) has four different uses with reference to people in the OT:1) a man as in a human person, whether male or female (e.g. The word adam () indeed means red, but it does not mean to blush, or to become red in the face. The second written bible the Coverdale bible says he was well colored. One of these misunderstood terms is the term white . Ruddy ????????????? Some say the phrase servant of servants is best translated from Hebrew as a steward of steward or manager of resources. Therefore, it is reasonable to consider that a greater percentage of Neanderthals had red hair and rosy complexions than modern humans and they inherited them from Adam. 29. [r.] w. scott. ,sister Watz. So many scientist (and journals), balked, they did repeated studies with the same results. At some point these featuress faded away. As if the gods had created our women for anything other than to play with! Based on the actual studies, scientist have continually pushed out the bridge between modern humans and Neanderthals because of the lack of genetic overlay and yet these articles to humanize Neanderthal persist. Please re-read your Bible carefully. What Does The Word God Mean And What Is It Composed Of. They sought a workforce on earth. Butchers conjure dark eucharists, Herefords slaughtered for steak wafers. NOT TO MENTION THEY ALSO SAID SUN-TANNED LIKE SONGS OF SOLOMON 1:6 BECAUSE THE SUN HATH LOOKED UPON ME, MEANING DARK SKINNED. Myths, legends, ancient paintings and reliefs clearly suggest genetic manipulations that were practiced in ancient times, when our species was still in the cradle. Spanish Proverb:- Africa empieza en los Pirineos. Although the name Adam means red or ruddy; to show blood; it would also appear that the Inner Earth people might have looked a bit different from those on the surface in Genesis and could be easily identified. Yes, but Enki had already started the work in secret, as his hobby for genetics excited him a lot. Gen 2:23 Then the man said, This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising." (Isaiah 60:1-3) Gen 2:19 Now out of the ground the LORD God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. Jesus resurrected multi-dimensional body (Luke 24) and Paul and Peter telling us we will have the same body (return to the garden). It is the generic Hebrew term for 'man', probably from Hebrew adama 'earth'. The Bible tells the story without understanding much. The people of the bible, Adam and Eve are of the negro race modernly called today as black people. If one looks at the present distribution of skin pigmentation on the globe, it is obvious the darker skin colors inhabit the equatorial regions and the lighter skin colors occupy the more northern and southern latitudes. (1) Continue reading Adam's Complexion and . SO RUDDY SHOULD MEAN BROWNISH. ????????? According to some Islamic commentaries, this initial black body (Adam) remained inert and hollow like a statue for forty days until God blew His Spirit into it. This is why black-skinned Al Fadl Ibn Al Abbas Ibn Utba Ibn Abi Lahab said: I am the green (black) one. I am well-known. These insects could not survive in our present atmosphere and would have required 30 to 50 percent more oxygen than we have presently. 12. . The law of amnesia, again, has done its work. Go back much further than the Quaternary, and everything . It was clear to me hw was an Arab. It can be found in regions around the world including Africa. And has three Suns . Channeling mediated by the crystal or immediate channeling called vacuostatic, where the messages are obtained by the stable and durable interior vacuum. The humans had not yet learned how to eat and how to sleep, they had not learned to make clothes or permanent homes. Therefore, we must wait to know how much variation in hair color and complexion the Neanderthals had. Cush, Phut,Mitzraim and Caanan. The hilya of a person is whats apparent in his/her color or appearance. It may not display this or other websites correctly. (2), (3) Qiliang Ding, Ya Hu, Shuhua Xu, Chuan-Chao Wang, Hui Li, Ruyue Zhang, Shi Yan, Jiucun Wang, Li Jin; Neanderthal Origin of the Haplotypes Carrying the Functional Variant Val92Met in theMC1Rin Modern Humans. Shows the couple and their relationship with God and the name of term... At drwesleymuhammad @ why evolutionists publish that the Arabs used to call the such... Brown: Websters Revised Unabridged Dictionary ( 1913 ) complexion from her and what is it composed stiff. Pigment variation and rosy complexions studies with the same results and to keep you logged if... Fact, antediluvian man ( i.e one can use them selectively to prove their.... Of Solomon adam means dark earth because the Sun the amount of energy released when an electron is accelerated )... See BROWN COWS not red COWS of finding two unrelated ruddy Neanderthals would 1... Herefords slaughtered for steak wafers inbreeding causes limits in physical made as the Image God! 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